

Ask @TheInsurgent

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Who would you be for a day of the opposite sex in your grade?

Jordan Parm. Wait what was the question? I just saw sex and answered with the first thing that came to mind.
Liked by: Donnie Manni

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How to be your friend?

Just talk to me. Seriously if you can make me laugh (which is pretty easily) we'll probably become good friends. Or share your porn with me either ways works

Who is the happiest person you know?

My dad no doubt about it. My main inspiration in almost every aspect of life.

Best local guitarists?

Tyler Corbett, Aaron James, dude from Kyoktys, Brady Schmidt, Henry Caouette and Jon Garcia. Those are the ones off of the top of my head but I'm completely sure I'm forgetting someone right now

best local vocalists?

I rarely pay attention to vocals in any band weather they're local or not. I'd have to say Maria of TPL and Dustin of End Silence though. And of course Jordan Parales of Abstract Asylum ;p
Liked by: Manni

Best local bands?

End Silence, Chasing Cygnus, Kyoktys, Columbian Necktie, our last crusade and the promethean labryinth. Those are the only bands that have really stood out to me but then again I also have an extremely selective taste in music haha
Liked by: Manni

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Technically the entire Colors album by Between The Buried And Me is one really long song ;)

If you could say, "everyone goes through a (someone's name) phase" who would you say? (where everyone ends up liking that specific person at one point)

"Everyone goes through a Charlie Sheen phase"
Liked by: Larissa


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