

Ask @TheMetalViking

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Why date someone if you don't like them?

I wouldn't, and if I like someone and the feeling leaves then Id break it off. As such.

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you shouldn't joke about people miscarriages with your friends, or joke about anything serious for that matter.

Not saying that I have, or ever will. But regardless, I own my own life. Not you, not anybody, me. I'm the one who chose to get a million piercings and tattoos, listenes to extreme metal that would probably make you think it's satanic by how heavy it is, the one who offers friendship to everyone who offers it back. I bet you even think that you're better than me as a human being dontcha? Because either you or someone started or are trying to start whatever shitty rumors eh bud?
Sorry to tell you that you're wrong, and a little question on ask won't stop me from living my own life.

What can’t be bought with money?

Real friends.
Have all the millions you want, but the people you meet then won't be seen anywhere when you run out.
Also why if one day a miracle happens and I'm famous or rich for some reason I won't be making many new friends.

How do you communicate most with your friends?

Go to their house and hit my head against the window until either A: They get up and come let me in or B: It breaks and I come in anyways.

Do you already have Ask.fm app for iPhone?

Used to, then my moistness ruined my phone and I just use rocks like a banana now.

Are you moist yet

leghair4life’s Profile PhotoLeg Hair For Life
I'm moist err day.
Did you see that rain today?
I was just going for a plane ride.
Fun Fact: Thunder Bay has never actually been rained on in 18 years.
You do the math ;)

If you were dating a girl you really like and she came to you and said that she wanted to call you daddy, and she wanted you to call her little girl what would you do

If you really really like her, and you plan to be together and everything, then yeah why not.
If you don't care what anybody thinks other than them, and you're in love or whatever you wanna call it and would do anything for eachother, why shouldn't you.

Most memorable moment?

I'm thinking of like 900 right now. Give me like a specific time, childhood, prepubesence, teen years, adulthood

Do you want kids when youre all settled down and grown?

No idea man. All depends who I'm with.
And I'm pretty fully grown now, the only thing left to grow is hair and beard.
But I mean how else am I gonna be able to name my offspring Bjorn.

You should stretch your ears and grow your beard really long. Then you can be a sexy lumberjack

Lucky for you I already have plans to stretch my ears, right after I get my lip and nose done. And the chinstraps already in motion my good human.

currently? ;) and I'm a dude

Aha well sorry my dude then.
But I'm straight.
Not to say there's someone out there for you though, just keep checking.
Still whoever you are if you're down to still make a friend or something my list just keeps on growing. No worries here.

would you ever?

No idea.
I'm all for homosexual relationships and rights and everything, and I definitely don't act like the straightest person ever, but currently I'm pretty straight dude/dudette.

Without the consideration of law and how others would react, what's the youngest age you'd date?

Dating could be anything man.
If you're in love, there shouldn't really be an age limit to date, that's not saying go out when you're like 12 and date a 30 year old.
But if you or anyone else were to date someone younger/older, just don't get in trouble. Not all relationships are focused around sex, and I think if 2 people, say like 20 and 16-17 or something were to wanna date, go ahead. But if you plan on having a sexual relationship be ready to wait it out.
Me personally though, I'd have to see. There's definitely a too young but it's not a permanent time right now as I keep getting older and so does it.


Language: English