

R u a stoner? Cuz u listen to a lot of pothead music

OMG....that is a really stupid question to ask. So what if I like "pothead music," it doesn't mean that I am one. I've listened to stuff like that as long as I can remember, which is quite a long time. I'm not a stoner, I wouldn't EVER do drugs. Don't judge a person by their music choice....honestly it's just really stupid
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Latest answers from reise

No!!!! This is lame!! You are way better than this...You don't need jealous haters to beat you down behind a keyboard. Just do you and prove them all wrong with your talent. You don't need annomous tough guys saying mean jealous comments on a message board.

It's not gonna affect me, if they choose to be that way then that's on them. I'm just trying to occupy some time. Like I said it's no big deal...

Reise, delete this!!! You are not getting anything positive from this. All the people that are asking questions here are only brave behind their keyboards...If you want real questions engage people face to face.

If it gets too bad then I'll delete it again but I'm just really bored rn, it's no biggie

U kno there's already a group called Outkast right?

Dude I kno haha. It sounds like bullshit but I didn't know they were called Outkast until after I gave myself the name The Outkast

Do u ever worry about her leaving u for another guy?

Tbh when don't i? I mean it's always a worry of mine if and when I ever get into a relationship with a girl cuz I'm just insecure like that. But ya I guess it's a stronger worry considering last time. I really liked her and it just really put me in an awful mood for a while. I don't wanna be in that awful mood again cuz it fucking sucked. I'm trying to be as careful as I can with my feelings just incase I get hurt again. Cuz u never really know wtf will happen.

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