

Latest answers from Tiffany

What causes you most stress and heartache?

Heartache- knowing I've let someone down, of hurt them.
Stress- a big work load with not enough time

What is something you want right now?

A diet coke and some mini chedders , but I don't want to go down stairs

I love you Tiffany. I am sure you know this because I like to remind you now and again. We may not talk everyday but I promise, I think about you every day and I cherish you and your life. You came into my life for a reason, one day we will finally meet and everything will be okay. - Vonny!

Thankyou so much Vonny- this means soo much! Love you! We will definitely meet one day, it has to happen..you're the best <3

What's something you're not very good at but enjoy doing anyway?

Drawing, beat boxing, and singing probably

Language: English