
Tijaira Chaney

What hurts more : Emotional pain or Physical pain ?

emotional you can always sleep the physical pain off or take a drug and numb it but when that good ol heart hurts smh it takes forever to heal

Latest answers from Tijaira Chaney

how would you feel if your friend killed himself or did crack or cocaine? What would you do for your. friend to get better or worse?

One of my friends already did cocaine and one of them use to.i lost one of my " friends" for trying to interfere because i believed he had a serious problem but he kicked me out of his life BUT ill still do the same thing. Ill continue to slap some sense into them DRUGS are never the answer. Also ive had a friend who wanted to commit suicide same thing. You need to be there for your friend even when they say they dont want you because you will never be in the wrong for doing the rightt thing
If they are under age i suggest talking to an adult to get them some help

What's the largest amount of money you've ever lost?

17 dollars some broke ass stole it. i was mad i needed fades

i think we would be some cool as friends i.could get giiiiggy with you. plus you real and speak your mind i like that.

lol thanks yea we can be friends

Language: English