
Tijaira Chaney

Ask @TijairaChaney614

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What hurts more : Emotional pain or Physical pain ?

emotional you can always sleep the physical pain off or take a drug and numb it but when that good ol heart hurts smh it takes forever to heal

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Let's say a guy and a girl broke up, then a couple years later the girl got a friend, then the friend and the ex started going out...is that wrong for the friend to do?

hmm only if the girl isnt over him and the friend and the girl really talked about it if years have passed. if the girl tells her friend she cant date him he is off limits then the friend cant date him

have you ever been inlove?

i thought i was in love with Andrew but nah that was fake. Now i know what real love feels like. real love doesnt lie all the fucking time for no fucking reason then get beat up -.-

Ok then what if someone was bout to kill himself over you & told you to be with me or you will be the reason why I die

nah sorry im definetly not gonna date someone that unstable. sorry not sorry. why should i make myself unhappy by forcing myself to be with someone who was crazy enough to kill himself over me in the first place? thats psycho lol
Liked by: ebonii jay

Not horribly ugly just someone that just looks ugly

i wouldnt date someone i found ugly so i would turn them down but in a respectable way

Would you diss someone if they asked you on a date & he was ugly?

like horribly ugly? yes i would. i wouldnt do it in a mean way though.

What do you think about parents putting their children on those leash thingys?

omg i think those things are sooooooo stupid if you wanted somethibg on a leash buy a puppy. it doesnt make sense
Liked by: ebonii jay

What do you think of a girl asking a guy out?

i dont think anything is wrong with a girl taking charge but it is nicer when the guy does have enough balls to ask you out

So why do you think white people are cute & black people ugly?

sooo when did i say that??? please. i want the date the time the day and what the days weather was when you thought i said that....whoever asked this question has to be the dumbest muthafucka in captivity. if youre gonna read the shit i say ask me a question about what i said dont make up shit you thought i said messy ass
Liked by: NoahJay ebonii jay

Hard work and dedication make Nike Having fun and being awesome make Wolf Gang -Pick a side

idk wtf you just said to me

if you had a baby and you had to have another race raise it what race would you want to raise it ?

wtf kinda question is this? uuuuh... i guess Pacific Islanders


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