
Pas koji je unistio svet

Doge jel imas fb? <3 :3

Nema Dog fb sorry :3
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(Smorila sam se k'o ekser pa evo jedno umetnicko deloo :3 Btw to je pola kuce sa stepenicama,pa recite da li je dobra xD)

Latest answers from Pas koji je unistio svet

The more you have me the less you see. Shine a light on me and I flea. What am I?

Sestro ja imam egzistencijalne krize svake druge nedelje, tako da baš nisam najbolji izbor za odgovor na takvo pitanje jer ni sama ne mogu da odlučim šta sam

Hello, just wanted to say that i still follow you ^^ And you are awesome! ^^

Hi and thanks! You are awesome too!

Its been a while since last time i asked you a question lol xD So imma do that now. Do you think your drawing skills are good? (it would be awesome if you could post a drawing of yours ^^) Have a nice morning/day/night ^^

Here's the latest drawing that I drew this afternoon ^^ It was supposed to be a girl but it turned out as a boy- Have a nice day as well and you can judge yourself,though I wouldn't say I am very skilled.

Hello ^^ Do you have a tattoo? If no, would you like to get one, or maybe more than one? [Thank you for the answer and have a nice day]

I would like to have one,like a sleeve,but not permanent one.

Random question time ^^ If you had a panda, how would you name her? [Thank you for the answer and have a nice day]

I would name her Volfram.

Hello ^^ It's been a long time since i asked the ones i follow. So today's question will be... If you had a chance to get an extra body part, would you accept it? If yes, what body part would it be? If no, why?

No,I am already satisfied with my body.Kinda.

Hey! You know what time is it? Yeah.. You guessed it right. It's [WTF question] time! Today's question will be: How do i boat?

Not bad,mate.Not bad.

Fifth question to the people i follow: Do you recycle? Why yes/no? [Thank you for the answer and have a nice day]

I don't.

Language: English