
Peppermint Hippo

Ask @TirazHoeTinazBetch

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What's the best prank you've ever played on somebody?

Scaring Jason when he was in his car xD omg that was fun :3

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what happened between you and Clare Farmer? you used to be so close

i dunno :/ i guess because she left school we never really had the time to talk and stuff, i still consider her a friend and i would still talk to her if i ever saw her but i think she deleted me on Facebook so even if i wanted to talk to her i wouldnt know how :(

Besides your country, which is the next best country in the world?

I guess I'm gonna have to say Sweden otherwise my swedish friends might hnt me down to kill me >_>

ok real smooth whoever hacked my account dont do that im getting hate cause of you (anon) fuck of please. Sorry everyone :/

Pedro Bond
Did you try turning It off and turning it back on again?


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