
Andrea Ritsu

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Latest answers from Andrea Ritsu

Which holidays do you and your family celebrate?

None, really. Some of us are doing Christmas because grandma wanted us too, that's about it.

What kind of dish can you make/cook?

All sorts of them. But I like to stay simple and make something that just goes fast so I don't have to spend a long time in the kitchen.

Have you listened to Jim's new podcast, The Podquisition, yet?

Not really, haven't listened to podcasts for a few weeks.

In the year 2043, at the end of a grueling war pitting magical girl against magical girl; an era of peace ensues and you are elected as queen of earth. How do you address your captivated people?

I wouldn't make a big deal out of it, I would just walk out on the balcony and announce that all lesbians are welcome to join the queen for a Lesbian Pizza Party™ every weekend from here on.

What makes you sad?

A lot of things. Sometimes it's things relating to my current situation, sometimes my past, sometimes it's just the state of things around me or seeing stuff other people go through, sometimes I don't even know.
Right now it's a bit of everything.

Language: English