
Tommy Knott

Ask @Tommyknott35

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What makes a girl a total bitch for you?

if she thinks she's better thsn me and shows it when we talk and when a girl asks for my number but never txts me

people you wanna get to know more

everyone I talk too. that includes girls, people on my team and everyone at my school that I talk to

Do u like anyone?

no. I feel like most girls can't see the best in guys. like I try so hard to be really nice to a girl and try to make her day because that means a lot to me. most of the girls I talk to could care less if I say those things or even just put effort into it .so no I dont, I'm still gonna be nice and try to be there and everything but I'm not gonna go for anyone because I'm probably just wasting my time and hopefully a girl can soon realize or see the things I'm trying to do for her or just how I treat her


Language: English