
Toni-Ann McQueen

Ask @Toniannmcqueen18

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Do you like ailsa french

Listen when I let her fist me I have to have so much trust that yeah i like her

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theres rumours going around that you apparently lost your v in year 8...lol

it was year 6 actually!
Liked by: Sam

i got asked something on yours as well, its nothing bad though, hahah x

anyone getting asked anything it isn't me hahah x
Liked by: Hol

Omfg has someone hacked your ask.fm and theyre asking thereself questions?omfg help me ahhahha x x x

It's not funny ffs:( x x x
Liked by: Niamh Amy

year 9s and 10s ur school are dicks

No they're not hahah
Some are not all though,most of them are quite nice actually

Why won't you answer anything?its honesty hour

Because I'd get called a slut if I said yes
Even though he's my boyfriend and a slut is someone who sleeps around

has lee licked you out? hh

Inbox me,I'm not putting it on here,of you want to know that much look down his ask.fm

lee needs something like that to happen to him he deserves it

You need to shut the fuck up,Lee hasn't done absolutely anything you dickhead


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