
Mohamed Samy

Ask @Tra_guy

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Family marriage or marrying your best friend?

I don't like family marriages 😂
Best friend marriage is really great when they are both ready for that and there is also something called ARRANGED MARRIAGE this one is great also 😂😂✌

Do you believe that best friends could become lovers?

Yeah they can be and I think it's really great because they already know and understand each other and since they are best friends they have been through alot together so if they both think it's ok for them to get together it's gonna be great
Liked by: Mohamed Refa3y

Name someone who helped you that you will never forget

It's not gonna be someone it's gonna be someones 😂 or maybe everyone but there are people I learn from them alot of things which are mainly my closest friends and believe me or not every single time I learn something new
Liked by: Eman Ali Hassan

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Have someone helped you to move on or you decided to?

Yeah it's an old relationship it took 3 years to realize that I'm the one spending all the effort to keep together and I was a little bit scared to lose a lover and we've been together for 3 years but finally realized she's not the one for me ✌

Make a confession

I'm a failure a big failure I failed in every single thing I did in my life but still I deny that and trying to succeed

Name the best thing that's happened to you through the last few days

I moved on and I'm no longer burdened by the past and I'm starting to feel at ease again 💜
Liked by: Eman Ali Hassan

Would you like to become a president of your country? Why/why not?

حتى الاسك بقى بيكلم في السياسة 💀

وآدي الايام بتثبتلك وبالاوراق غلط نظري فنظرك فجأة عالاشياء قعدت كتير علشان تفهم وربك شاء تضيع احلي ما فعمرك عشان انسانة متحسكش مبتحبكش صدقني ...مبتحبكش

الكلام مش جه في عيني 😂😂 ده فتحلي دماغي 😂💔

What's your Sunday morning ritual?

It's not just Sundays it's the whole week I wake up turn my mobile on check if there is a message from certain someone and then go wash my face and start my day and I hope that one day I'll find a message 💜

What is the first thing you do when you're bored

YouTube 😀
Most of my searches when I'm bored are for anime
But there is also
- Crash course
- Gary V
- Tai Lopez
If you're looking for something really funny you can search for
Ask Steve 😂✌
Liked by: NerOo Shiref

ان استطعت تطبيق بعض السنن ، فطبقها حتى وان كنت صاحب معصيه فالتمسك ببعض حبال النجاه خير من ان تتركها جميعها ..فتهلك💜🌸



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