
Trinh T. T. Nguyen

So what do you-(me being a guy) do when you've been rejected by every girl you've ever talked to and now he's in his late 20s?

late 20s ......
I mean we all are working on ourselves in different was to improve ourselves right?
So, I think maybe some self reflection; or let your friends give you more advice on it.

Latest answers from Trinh T. T. Nguyen

When were you a big mouth tattletale? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🤦🏻‍♀️

Uh. If your own cousin talked sh*t behind another cousins back? Hell yeah I would tell my cousins what she said. The truth will eventually be revealed anyways. You act like it's such a big surprise.

How long do you wait to delete someone from your contact list or social media friends when they died?

I still have one on my fb. He was a good friend, had him in my classes 5th and 6th grade.

If you were bypassed for a promotion in favor of a less qualified candidate would you quit?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Language: English