
Truman Meecham

Ask @TrumanMeecham

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I will when you text her again! you better b4 she leaves! oh and I think you should talk more cuz I have never seen her smile like that b4!

what do you mean before she leaves.

why she's pissed? Cuz I bet she just feels like shit. you saw the answers you're not the same person at school. when people make fun of her on here you stick her up but at school when your friends make fun of her you don't do shit! I mean when was the last time you talked to her? do you still talk?

I don't participate in it. I dont even know why we dont talk anymore. now get of my ask.

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lol why? we all saw her when you came to her table a couple of days. she got up and left and when she came back she throw her chair at the table when the bell rang! shes pissed, or depressed. lol now I know why you want me to leave. I bet this is making her feel bad! THATS WHY SHES PISSED! LOL

why lol?
Liked by: Ben Hamilton

Tbh Truman u are Sooo hilirious and u are great guy to be around especially in bio. it sucks that u couldn't play with us this season for football. hopefully u play next season. but we should talk more and hang soon man!

two things, 1) you have posted your number 3 times already so it wont matter if you delete it. and 2) wheres everyone's truth is? you did Curtis's!

unknowingly sorryyy ill doo some tonight

But when you do you ignore her? Wow some friend you are!

I don't I've just been busy. I don't try to ignore her at school. we just aren't as good of friends as we used to be.

Why do you guys text all the time but I never see you guys talk in the halls. You just walk right past her like you don't even know her!

we don't text that much anymore and I barely see her at school anyway.

Truth is Connor likes Emily Calloway but anyways you are hilarious and we are going to run for president together and Gianna is our first lady.

gianna who?
Liked by: Sean


Language: English