

Ask @TumblrKidsShouldDie

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Who is someone you wish you had never met?

My next door neighbor-.- everytime I see them I have to sprint down the road to avoid conversation-.- AND I NEVER RUN-.-

Whom do you consider to be a hero of our times?

My dad, well he's my hero, idgaf what anyone says or thinks

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What's been the best commercial you've seen?

DORITOS- bring the party to the party * random mariachi band walk into party and start playing every cord until they get a rhythm*

i think i'd quite like a dragon to lay eggs in my eyes...

I really need to change that-.- dragons are amazing!

What makes you lose your temper?

When people shout at me, throw things at me, try and annoy me and when random people ask me if I have a spare fag, I stand there like DON'T SMOKE IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT

Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?

He was on crystal meth when he said this...

Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?

HOME! In restaurants people always stare at me when I'm eatting because I eat really quick

How can you tell a good person from a bad one?

Well sometimes people smile when they see you in the street and say hi or even ask if you're alright sometimes, thets a good person

I love you loads perfect, your answer is well cute, my boy forever and always<3xxxxxxxxx

I love you too<3xxxxxxxxx

go on omegle video for a little bit? interests: ask.fm ..please?

Urm no? Last time I went on omegle some india bit his lip at me and some hispanic guy was wanking, that scarred me for life
Liked by: tay

honest opinions of your girlfriend?

She's amazing, she's adorable, she's perfect, she is flawless, she's really soppy bless her and I love her to bits no matter what she's like


Language: English