
Helen Keller Metal Concert

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Latest answers from Helen Keller Metal Concert

Would you rather wear a snow suit in the desert or be naked in Antarctica?

Naked in Antartica.
Then I can cut shapes in the ice with my hard AF nipples.
It's such a glorious art. I promise you.

Can I be ur shoe or foot slave

Fb me ;) (you seriously can if you would like; https://www.facebook.com/mariejosee.jiyong I would thoroughly enjoy speaking with you <3)
But legit. Fetishes are to be celebrated and not to be looked down upon. Everybody has different sexual interests and there is nothing wrong with being attracted to something specific. We must not shame people who are open about their fetishes. And, kinksters, fetishists and such; be proud of yourselves and never let somebody degrade you for your fetish. You are amazing and worthy of respect.

Do you play any instruments?

In 7th grade, I was started on the silver flute in music class and I was so excited that I wouldn't stop practicing. My 20 year old step brother and his friend asked me if I was good at playing the skin flute. O_o
Signature flute. I have been cursed for life.

Language: English