
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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Opinion on bullying?

Bullying? I think its a pile of wank. I just watched the Amanda Todd video over and over again. Yes i cried. Because i think bullying is horrible and i, myself, have been through it. I still am going through it because im not 'pretty' or averaged size (im tall and tubby) and i dont have a 'perfect face' but i'm pretty happy.
People who bully, are weak. Stupid and shit, Bullying can mean different thinks, there could be online bullying and physical. There is more. The stupid, heartless bastards are mostly on this, behind anon. They give so much hate, and once their IP address is found out they;re week at the knees. I'm not popular. im not perfect but who is? I cut because of them. I overdosed, i've tried EVERYTHING but I know im stronger than that. Cutting will leave horrible scars. and its not a reason for people to feel sorry for you.
People say its for attention. it's not, it's a shout out for help.Everyone makes mistakes. Its not their fault. People who think they;re better than others are more of a bully. I'm actually scared to go out, because im scared of what people think of me. what they think when they look at me. but i go out, i enjoy myself with the people that mean ALOT to me. And you know what? They're the reason im here. Aswell as my mum.
Chin up guys. Me, your friends and family are here for you. Promise. <3
Feel free to follow me, and ask me stuff about bullying etc, I want to help. more than ANYTHING.
Stay strong. <3

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Your snitch and pikachu obsession is pathetic, grow up and get a job

Hang on, As my friend just said on Facebook;
So people need to grow up and stop playing pokemon or yu-gi-oh! or digimon or stop owning tamagotchis or spending the night reading harry potter or playing on their gameboyd? People need to act their age you say?
While were on the topic of age isn't 15 a little young to have a baby?
Don't judge someone else's hobby if yours is bouncing on dick.


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