
Bethyyyyyy c:

Ask @TykuchirikatofuAririnkichiri

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you know what really pisses me off? The way you're always on facebook and all you ever do is attention seek! like when you said you had depression it pissed me off because you have no fucking clue what its like to have depression, i've had depression for 2 years now and not once have i advertised it

You know what pisses me off? People.
Im on facebook like other people. All I do is attention seek? Obviously so do you. If you're ''fed up' with it, then fucking delete me.
I do have depression? I have every clue what its like. Oh look, You just have. *gasp*
You might go ''IM NOT ATTENTION SEEKING''. ~ yeah obviously not, you're getting everyones attention by this stupid cuntish post, and you're advertising your depression. Your depression isn't my problem, It's yours and your doctors.
If you don't mind, please, Come off anon or just fuck off.
Liked by: Dan Mabbers!

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u told someone roleplayin is your biggest secret lol ?

It was indeed. But i guess people have to know.
I'm not ashamed of it anymore.
It's not normal i know. But i don't care. I like it.

Rolplaying is normal. If i was there, id do it with you, cos we're too cool.

Roleplaying is like Cosplay. Cosplay is dressing like the person you admire, and isnt real.
I Cosplay as pikachu and Umbreon.
I roleplay as characters i've made up. It is normal. but people my age (16+) act like adults now.
We would be cool!

roleplaying is acc sad thou........?

No, Roleplay ISN'T sad.
What's sad, is hiding behind a computer screen on anon telling me what i can and can't do.
I enjoy roleplaying, and drawing sonic characters. I did a recent one. and i'll show you it.
it's me as my favourite animal, my favourite colour and what i like on the top i want.
it's not sad.
It's imaginative.

Just read all that and honestly, i think you're perfect and beautiful. and pokemon and sonic rules;3

But other people can't accept that i roleplay and everything. Roleplays like music, it helps me escape this real world. It calms me down.
Thank you though.

you lost crystal as a friend cause your jealousy

Jealous of what?
I said, that im fed up with being called a fucking emo because i sit in the library and socialize.
I dont go in there to papercut my wrists.!

age? location? single/taken? height? weight? bra size? current bra colour? spit or swallow cum? sexuality? virgin? been fingured before? current underwear colour? type of underwear you wear most? do you masturbate? had anal? will you send nudes?

Age; Too young for you.
Location; Your mums vagina.
Single/taken; Single :o
Height; I don't know, shall we get a ruler and measure?
Weight; To bags of sugar and a tea spoon of honey ;)
bra size; big enough.
Current bra colour; BLACK CURRENT. ;D.
Spit or swallow cum; i prefer to keep it in a jar ;/
Sexuality; I believe im a rainbow unircorn...
Virgin; Vodafone
Been fingered before; Yeah i get swore at all the time:'|
Current underwear colour; Also black current. I like Rhibena okay?
Type of underwear you wear most; Unircorn ones. cause y'know, i AM a unicorn..
Do you masterbate?;I can't.. im a unicorn... -.-
Had anal; Yeah man, unicorns love it.
By the way, me and my Owl friend came up with this. Her names Danielle. ;) Toowitawooooooooooooooooo baby ;)

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