
Tyson Matejka

Ask @TysonMatejka

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Tbh: If you don't marry your roommate I will, just so he can play music for me and make me Mexican food 😈 you're undefeated in beer pong but I'm determined to beat you one day. You're a hottie and I enjoy your humour 😂 visit often pls 💁🏼

Dominique66’s Profile PhotoDominique Morel
I hope he can make good tacos, I'll visit as often as I can
Liked by: Dominique Morel

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Oooooh tysooon

Yeah, your pretty much family, so honestly, I'm forced into liking you 😁 your definitely in my top 3 Sieben children! 💁

Eff you 🙅🏽

Haha Hatala, we have some weird history behind us! But I feel confident enough to still call you one of my best friends! You have an really open mind and some of the shit you say is unbelievable! 😂 you are really a sweetheart and I'm really excited to hear that your coming to Edmonton next year! 😘

Why did u break up ?

Well kids, Makena had a lot of stuff going on in her life, and during that time we both became disconnected from each other and couldn't make conversation anymore, our relationship had changed completely. And neither of us were happy with the way things were trending so we decided to go our separate ways.


Riley; your such a beauty! 😂😂 you pretty much are sculpted by Jesus, and your mother is prime! 😉 otherwise, you are the life of the party! And the shit you say is so funny and outrageous! Can't wait to get blacked with you tomorrow boo 😉 you're my favourite workman


Shae, the only time we have ever talked is today, and when your drunk! So sober shae is really sweet and shy! And drunk shae is extremely fun! ☺️ Your my favourite workman 😉


Josh Vold
Bruh, do you send nudes? You're a beauty, pretty much dust at puck. But overall a pretty good guy! Come out to some parties so we can get you drunk. Keep on slayin
Liked by: Josh Vold


Hi Tawni, I wish you would give me more time to spend with pierce! I it when you pressure pierce into having parties! Your a really pretty girl, as well as intelligent! You should drive pierce and I to a party sometime so you can enjoy our drunk company 😊 I think you would enjoy it!

Meeeee! & leave my dad outta this

Stef! You win at life. You are an extremely pretty girl with a very gentle nature! Your already a heart breaker! ☺️ I'm sure that you massively just Mackenzy, Aaron and I during lunch whenever our talks get really weird! 😂 but that's okay! Your dad will always be my gym goals 🙈 haha don't be a stranger!


Dominique66’s Profile PhotoDominique Morel
Dom! We don't really talk that often! But when we do you seem really like a really down to earth girl! Not to mention you're extremely pretty! You have pretty quick comebacks for all of Dillion's chirps, which impresses me! ☺️ snap/text me sometime!
Liked by: Dominique Morel

Here comes the Dutch jokes..

Daniel Bergsma
Danel! You are one funny lookin guy! 😂 you and your dutchness crack me up! Your always a riot to party with! And a great guy to hangout with! Really easy to make conversation with you! I hope you get your name on the grad list so you can actually graduate with us! 😂
Liked by: Daniel Bergsma


Ranelle Muncaster
Your an extremely pretty girl! Your hair is so shiny! I really like talking to you since you are so funny and bring up random conversations! 😂 you and dease are really funny together as well as cute! Make sure dease comes to stampede!
Liked by: Ranelle Muncaster


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