
Umm Yasser

Ask @Ummyasser

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how do you do to stay happy and cheerful all the time? i wish i was like you

Happy looks different on everyone.
What makes me happy, may not necessarily make you happy.
Find you, and you will be happy.

Is it better to distance yourself from someone who has feelings for you if you don’t feel the same?

If you distance without communicating your feelings, they may think your playing a game of hard to get.
If you don't like them, tell them straight up. Then commence to blocking them from your life.

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In a relationship, if one partner wishes to move in together while the other is not yet prepared for that change, what could be the reason? Does the person not love their partner enough to take that step, or do they not trust them enough?

Some ppl are not prepared for change in the new relationship dynamic.
They may want to ease themselves into it.
They may feel things may change drastically.
Things like moving into a new home/ country ect with a new partner, may need to take time, and you may have to ease them into the idea and build trust.

How much sleep do you get per night? how many hours

As much as I need.
I'm a firm believer that women need more sleep than men.
If he sleeps more than you that's a red flag.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

suman29668’s Profile Photosuman
No not for me.
I've found ppl Intially attractive, then heard them talk or discovered how there mind works.
Turned off.
For men that might be the case and some women, that are just focused on their looks. That might work. Not everyone falls in love like that.

Girls who say they get on better with guys than girls… Thoughts ? ! ?

Maybe she's just been around them more and she appreciates their input more. It depends on upbringing, friend groups ect...
Or maybe she's been betrayed by women, hence why she may avoid them, and choose a select few.
Same with a guy, that doesn't have sisters, but values female input.
Everyone has their reasons.

Are you a gamer?

Once in a while, for the fun of it.
I just don't like it when ppl make it a lifestyle.
If one of my kids or siblings ask me to join in. I won't say no.
It's not something I'll go out my way to do, buy a console ect, and sit there and play by myself.

Do you love your mum or your dad more?

Dad, didn't stand by side every moment, but was there for me in the moments that mattered the most. For that forever grateful.
Tells me off but at the same time, my biggest cheerleader.

which british accent is the best

yohareki’s Profile Photoyohareki
Apart from the normal English accent everyone has, I really do like the Scottish accent, something about it, makes it sound regal. Irish accent sounds fun.

Wow I forgot about this app 😝 you still here?

Ikr it's been very long.
Over 10 years when I first used it.

Isn't that leading someone on?

No there's a difference between like and love.
Like them as person.
Love, (through thick and thin)
Love requires more from me.

How can we tell if you like someone?

It's tricky, a lot of men mistake friendliness as flirting, or if she gives you attension. Sometimes were just friendly to build rapport.
I'd rather be friend first.
It's different with each person.

What do you think of tristan tate?

Interesting guy, l'd love to have a conversation with him. Has an interesting mind. Especially the way he conveys things. It's like his hit that nail on the head. Other than that he seems like respectable guy, that can get a women's attention effortlessly, without even trying. His a different breed.

Drop a random fact

No, there's already too much known about.
Random fact are only for really close exclusive people.
If you share too much what's left for the special people...


Language: English