

Which website or app do you use first in the morning?

Facebook because sometimes (almost all the time) i have to look at messages my friends sent me the night before. other than that it might be twitter or instagram. . but majority of the time its FB

Latest answers from Yazzy

What are you most excited about right now?

my mom's wedding <3 <3 <3 doing a special dance for them with my sisters ^.^

Are you generally a more optimistic or pessimistic person?

Im more optimistic when I'm helping someone or trying to make them see the good in things when they are in the dark. but with me personally i think im a pessimist? it really depends tho

Which is the best age to marry?

idk it all depends on the circumstances, timing, and person but generally maybe late 30's? idk

Who is your favorite YouTuber?

mmmmm i don't watch anymore youtubers but i loved Tobuscus, Pewdiepie, DesandNate, Ledamonsterbunny, Videogamedunkey, Kyrspeedy & the crew, Vanoss and his gang, uhhh yeah pretty much it :) as least what i remember haha

What was the last argument you had?

Tbh i dont remember and i kind of dont want to lol
Btw this pic is close to the color of the pink im wearing :) its soo pretty

What are you wearing right now?

a really pretty pink shirt and teal shorts. Sounds like a weird combo of colors but they actually look good together... :)

What annoys you the most?

People who dont appreciate you or give the time to listen/hear you out ...... but a good woman once told me that not everyone is capable of giving you what you want.... so I'm learning to be ok with that. I just need time haha

If you could talk with only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

Good question.... The only person I can think of is my Mom cuz i dont really talk/trust anyone else...

Do you want to be famous?

sometimes i imagine myself being on like reality tv with my fam but then i see how some tv shows like that go and i think ill be safe where im at. even though it would be kind of nice to be known ^.^ it just depends for what

Would you rather live without TV or music?

OMG .. well actually i barely watch tv as it is so i would chose to live without it.. but ohhh i would soo miss The Walking Dead

Language: English