
Noel Gomez

Ask @Unknownxx21

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Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

No, it's sad that the animals can't live a life if their own. They're kept in captivity, though if they were raised in a zoo then they would think it was the norm. So there is really no way to correctly answer this.

Who is your most hated celebrity?

Chuck Norris. He's homophobic and he is an asshole in general. People admire him because of a role he played on a tv show, people forget to realize that's all it was. A role. None of that was him, just lines on paper. Plus he sued a bunch of people for posting the Chuck Norris jokes that a lot of people laugh about. I honestly don't care for him and would never associate with someone like him.

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Do you think animals have souls?

Well, we are animals as well. If humans have "souls" then other species would as well. This is a stupid question really.

How can you tell a good person from a bad one?

the way they talk, any signs of annoyance to someone or something.

Its been a long time since i talk to you but, if you do a diet eat normal or else it will affect your weight more, pls it takes time dont think of throwing up... Be cool because someone cars about you (me) sorry but i had to comment :3

I appreciate the care, "me", but it won't matter, If I eat, my body automatically throws it up sometimes, I dont eat at school a lot, I don't want someone "seeing a guy throwing up in the bathroom" or having my friends worry, so I usually just say I forgot my money, or say that I ate in culinary. I'm sure my friend would care if they knew, I haven't told many of them, only 2? I trust them and they've kept it a secret. What sucks though is that one friend of mine sometimes "comments" on how I don't eat, its embarrassing which in turn, makes me want to eat less. (I've rewritten this about 5 times Lol)

Why do you like me friend??

I don't know how to answer this if your anon. Are these going on Facebook? ugh. greatttt.

If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?

the guitar, my brother knows how to play, I just don't want to feel stupid in front of him if I mess up, he can be a major ass a lot.

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

I have actually stopped talking to someone and unfriended them for referring to gay guys as "faggots" as an insult. it shouldn't be something hated, I support same sex relationships and marriage, people just need to stop hating so fucking much.

Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

I know a lot of people, I don't count many of them as friends. only a few, if I've told you my demons, then you mean a lot to me.

What is the very last thing you do before you settle in to fall asleep at night?

listen to podcasts or YouTube videos from youtubers.

What is your favorite way to spend some time alone?

with my cat, listening to music/singing (I sing horribly)

What time of day is your favorite?

near noon, the be specific, 11:31 AM, I don't know why, but I like that specific time.

What three things do you think of most each day?

if I throw up will I lose more weight? should I start my diet again? (only drink water. no food). how can people stand me?

What does freedom mean to you?

being away from a society that judges you based on appearance and accepts you for who you are without being hurt.

What countries have you visited?

Sadly, Mexico, I want to travel in the future, I want to go to Spain, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Romania, Norway, Switzerland, France, Canada, and Japan. I hope I at least go to a few in the future.


Language: English