

Ask @UsamaFTW

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What are you expecting from the new season of "Game of Thrones"?

DRAGONS BABY DRAGONS BRING IT ON YEA DROGON and pls release the the innocent ones ;_;. Tyrion and Khaleesi should team up and take down cersei and the bolton. pls jon snow dont die ;_;.
Liked by: mahmoud Tadros

Usama remains fit but texting me , that makes no sense but I am AWESOME *HairFlip* ✋

*By texting, please for the sake of all that is holy fix the goddamn typos. What a noob thinking she's more awesome than me. *pizza toss flip*

How do you stay fit?

I'm probably the laziest, most unhealthy person to exist and you're asking me how I stay fit. lol
Liked by: Tadros

Hey isn't the lesbian me ? (You know who but our inside jokes are way to R rated so better keep it as an anon )

Irrelevance in 3 2 1. Whoop whoop that's the sound of the police.
Liked by: Tadros

Lion king has a theme song? I know it has a soundtrack with multiple songs in it.

Is this motasem? Anyways I take the theme score as circle of life, it's amazing.


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