

I'm having a hard time with it because it seems so centered on those works, and if you read Ephesians 2:8-9 and Romans 4:5 in the bible it's discussed that those works aren't necessary. It's just very confusing because it seems that way in the LDS church.

Read the book of James. I know in some Christian religions that this chapter "means otherwise" as I've been told as I've talked with other Christian's, but that is the belief of LDS church that you need works.
It's not saying you have to be perfect or be doing all these incredible miraculous things. It simply means doing your best and serving others and loving others. It's not hard really. At least for me which I guess I have an easier life than most. I'll write a blog post about the Saviors grace and mercy for us. There seriously is so much I could answer on this, it'd take ages though.
Simply put don't get so caught up on one over the other. Faith without works is dead. But works without faith isn't much good either. You need to have both.

Latest answers from UtahMormonGirl

If the church is so great why lemony it let gay people in? It is disgusting to say that if someone is gay they can not participate in church and can not go to heaven, any reply???

Athiest Gal
Gay people are gladly welcomed to attend and be members. However just like any heterosexual, acting upon sexual feelings is a sin outside of marriage. The church believes marriage is ordained of god and is between man and woman. Nonetheless gays are respected and loved just like anyone else. They can be complete and faithful members and I have several gay friends who choose to remain a part even though it is difficult for them to do so. There are many heterosexual people that don't have the opportunity to marry either and they still choose, like those faithful gays to keep the law of chastity.

I'm an LDS member from Italy! First time on Ask.fm! What do you think of this website? Mainly I heard some bad things about it, but now I have found a lot of mormons like me! Is it worth using it?? :)

Gabriele Funaro
Personally I have gotten a lot of horrible messages --- however I have also gotten genuine sincere questions that I've enjoyed answering. It all depends :)

Obviously normal.. hmm.. maybe. jk,. =) Dang, 12 yrs. So would you ever hang out with a guy that is 12 yrs older? lol.

Hahah I don't know, sometimes I fear my maturity and place in life would differ far too greatly

hey, answered your question.. let me know if you got it.ha, my compter cut out when i hit enter so im not sure it sent.

Haha I did get it. 30 isn't old but relative to me it's about twelve years difference. I'm 18 haha. And I'm obviously totally normal, maybe haha

Thats true. My name is Marc. =) that help? lol. I like transparancey. Hate they guessing game. But im pretty open too. I dont have a problem answering any questions that people ask

Haha okay well then
A. Where do you live (city not address I'm not that weird)
B. How old are you
C. Scale of one to normal how normal are you?

Oh, ha. Well i dont know who you are either. =) Im on a break too. Had work this morning and again at 130. lame. Sorry if its weird a random guy just comes and says hi. How do you get to know who i am?

Haha well I think I'm pretty transparent but maybe not. Well, you could always tell me who you are right?

Why not? I like talking to people and meeting new people. Reading your other answers you seem nice, witty, playful, and a nice person. Can never pass up trying to meet a girl with those qualities, they are harder to find than it seems. ha. Why keep talking to me though?

Haha because I don't know who you are and that's not okay, plus your entertaining me during my two hour break so why not?

Well explain away! ha, if you want. Sounds like you are pretty well rounded though. Im about the same, except the cooking. Ive tried, but i am horrible at it. Once tried to cook a girl chicken to impress her.. then she got e-coli.. was horrible. lol

Haha maybe one day... That does sound very unfortunate... I thinking cooking together for a date would be cool though. So my question is, how come you're talking to me, out of curiosity I must know

Ah, i understand. one of those, dont ask till you have hung out a few times questions. WHat kind of things do you like to do in your spare time?

Haha oh I would tell you its just a lot to explain. Hmm, honestly I like anything. I like reading, writing, music, movies, cooking, doing service, talking to others, thinking, sleeping, eating, etc haha

What?!?! are you american? jk. Ha. Hopeless romantic.. i have to be honest, im not 100% sure what that means. You like the flowers and the perfect style connection and such? Just not sure.

Well... I guess it's complicated. And a long explanation. And deep.

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