

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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Would you rather be chased by a bear or wolf?

bear :D always a bear. how lucky would I be. oh yes.

Last good movie you watched?

hmmm ah.... well lets see I hardly ever watch movies but uhm okay I guess I've never seen how to lose a guy in ten days and I just barely saw that like a few weeks ago.

If you could invent anything right now; you have the knowledge and resources what would you invent?

a cure for cancer.

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What songs have you listened to lately?

Young Blood, Forever, Let's Go, Hermit the Frog, Really Don't Care

Why do you think with animals it is the male who is usually "pretty" (peacocks, ducks, ect.) and attracts the female; While with people it seems that people put more pressure on women to take care of their looks constantly?

animals don't have control over anything.
humans however have been trained to have certain culture and the culture is that women have expectations as far as looks.

If you were transported to hogwarts what house do you believe you would be sorted into?

hmm maybe slytherin because I have a hidden side to me.

When Disney released The Hunchback of Notre-Dame - it was very controversial because of the plot line, what do you think of Disneys choice in producing the film?

Is it bad to say I haven't ever seen it?

If you could live in a disney movie what movie would it be and what character?

How to train your pet dragon - I would wanna be ... the main kid hahaha I fail at movies.

what are some names you like? Male and female.

boy - I have always liked the name Lucas
girl - no clue whatsoever
I've never really thought about names truthfully.

Do you prefer giving or receiving?

I love both but I'm used to giving and I LOVE making others happy

i just found out something awful...my whole life has been a lie...i feel betrayed..i dont even know who to trust anymore...i just found out..Popcorn doesnt even come from an apricot tree...i dont know what to do anymore :(

Chin up, at least you can still get popcorn.

I feel guilty about not standing up for victims of bullying that I've seen. How can I find comfort?

I think the best way is to ask God for comfort and peace and personally forgive yourself and let go. I also think committing now to stand up in the future will give you a peace knowing that just because you've missed the opportunity in the past, you can still do so much good in preventing bullying in the future.

How come you've never kissed your boyfriend? (: just wondering, don't take this personally. (:

Well, you see, it's a long distance relationship but I'll see him this weekend.
Wait, how'd you know hahah.

My dad isn't a member and my mom is counting on me as the last active child to convert him somehow when he's a devout catholic. Family situation is fine but how can I try to please my mom but still be reasonable?

I think that you just need to tell her how you feel. Explain to her that you realize that if he ever does convert him, it will be in his own time and there isn't anything you can do to further the process except by being your best and living the gospel. I mean, hopefully she will understand that, but if not you just have to do what you can without hurting either of them.

Sorry this took so many questions but here's the thing. Now my crush is hurt because of what he saw and I told him a little about him but didn't make it clear that I don't like him. I was unaware but the kid has a reputation that my crush knew about&is now suspicious of me for&I'm afraid to interven

well it's clear your crush sincerely cares about you so if you want him to understand you will have to explain the whole thing. As far as the kid, you have to tell him you don't have feelings for him. It's easier said than done though, I know.

Is love at first sight real?

I think for some people it can be. My mom actually saw my dad for the first time and knew she was supposed to marry him. She obviously wasn't IN love with him, didn't even know him. But I think depending on circumstances and situation and the person, it CAN happen. but I guess remember just how deep and complex love really is and determine it that way as to if it really is love or just infatuation or lust.

I invited him to a party I had with my LDS friends and my crush of almost a whole year was there and he and I have something. When this boy showed up I walked up to say hi and he hugged me unexpectedly then lifted me up and spun me around in front of all of my friends, and my crush.

oh yeah, well that's awkward. you need to make it known you don't have feelings for him.

Out and I'm not sure how to say no because he expressed how he couldn't wait to be alone with me, weird. He never really respects me standards so obviously I wouldn't take him up on that offer. Also- I'm barely 16 so I don't want to single date, and I think by date he means boyfriend girlfriend

Yeah, like I replied in the other you really have to tell him. That is a bad sign him wanting to be alone with you and you probably don't even know him all too much. If you have to even be awkward and text him how you feel, do it, its worth it.

Okay so my friend sort of set me up with this boy as a joke and it wasn't supposed to become serious and we just talked and such for a long time then he started acting like he liked me which I was not comfortable with and I'm not interested in him because he's anything but a man of god.

You just need to be upfront with him. It will be awkward and he might get mad, but you deserve the very best. You have to tell him you don't have feelings for him and that his feelings for you make you uncomfortable. If you want to be friends still let him know. No matter what though, he will probably be offended or hurt or angry, but there's nothing you can do and this is just a situation you have to do what's best for you in the nicest way possible.

I was a first year YCL at camp this year & one night some friends & I were in my cabin talking & having fun but someone slammed the door into this girls bunk & she got her knife out & threatened to kill us. What would you do?

Personally, I would just start by apologizing again and be really polite and just be like, lets just take a deep breath. Hopefully something to that affect would calm the girl down.
After that I would absolutely make sure to tell a leader cause a threat like that is serious and needs to be dealt with.

There's this girl in my ward that I don't like, we've know each other forever and I've never liked her but she's under the impression I do. I don't want to be catty or fake what should I do? (I'm a girl too)

It's hard because some people you just don't like, and you just don't get along with. I would just say the best thing you can do is pray to love her or at least just accept her. You don't have to be best friends or talk a lot, but you will be able to find it easier to be around her without feeling fake. You will find the strength to love her as a person even though she might drive you crazy.

What if it is him asking you these questions

then hi, I don't like you at all.
If not, hi I love you.

Why in the world is your ex still stalking you?

because he's a creep haha. I don't know truthfully. When we broke up and he said he never wanted to talk to me again. but then he told me, but I will always check up on you. Okay? creepy right. So I guess he has....
I personally think he misses me because I was nothing but sweet and loving towards him and he was verbally abusive and mean. Nonetheless, I learned a lot, but he's certainly not my favorite person and I have had to try and just let go of the fact he will probably always stalk me.


Language: English