

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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Why did you create your anon account?

initially to avoid my stalker ex, who might I tell you, I found out last week was still stalking me. That's like seven months of stalking.
but it evolved into me sharing my beliefs and testimony of something I love so much and also helping people and making them happy. I love nothing more than sharing the things I love and helping others be happy and know their worth.

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Ok so the majority of people in Utah are LDS. If this religion is supposed to make people so happy then why are the highest depression rates (U.S.) in Utah?

based upon several studies done in 2012, I found a reoccurring list that stated the top ten states with high depression rates as followed Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, West Virginia. I did find an outlying list that put Utah as number six. However, I think the whole thing doesn't really correlate.
I also hate to burst a bubble of common misconception but only 58% of Utahans are in fact Mormon. Many of which are probably not actively involved in the church. Let me repeat that, ONLY 58%.
I personally believe happiness is a personal choice, one that having the gospel doesn't guarantee. I believe that anyone can be happy regardless of their circumstances. I believe however that the gospel helps increase happiness. It doesn't mean everything's always roses and puppies, there are still challenges and heartache all the time. But the gospel aids in living a happier life and helps people to have a different perspective on life as a whole.

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"As a christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice." -Adolf Hitler.

Yes, I am aware that he said that.

I'm not totally sure how to phrase this question but here goes: What is the difference between Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, more specifically what are they referred to as? Like are they both Savior's or is that just Christ since he died for us?And what about Lord? Is that used for both of them?

So God is the same as Heavenly Father and it's appropriate to use both names.
Jesus Christ you can call Christ, Jesus, Savior, Redeemer and many many other names. He is referred to as Savior and Redeemer because he saves us from our sins and redeems us. You can look up the meanings of those two names in the bible dictionary and they will more fully explain why those refer to him.
Lord in the scriptures is used for both God and Jesus Christ, however I personally when I say Lord, I refer to God, but the scriptures uses it as a name for both of them.
And additionally, though I'm not sure if you were asking this too or not, but God is the father of our spirits. Jesus Christ is God's spiritual AND physical son. So Jesus is our brother.

Thank you so much for your advice and help. I really appreciate it and think it'll really help me.

You are so welcome. Helping people is my favorite thing. it makes me happy and I hope I was able to help you. let me know any time you need help.

What makes the mormon religion more true than others? There is good in other religions, sometimes better than the mormon church. By their fruits you shall know them right? Well then shouldn't religions which are better than the mormon church be more true?

Well I guess the idea of "better" is subjective. I mean I don't think any church is better per say than the other. Mormons are no better than Buddists, Baptists, or Jews.
I agree though, other religions have so much good in them. I know so many good people even without religions as well. Religion doesn't make a person better than anyone else.
My personal testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) is through experience. I have a general knowledge of other religions and for me there are things missing. Each religion though I believe has something to offer, and parts of truths I believe to be true.
I have had nothing lack in this church, haven't found fault. Sure there are judgmental members, but the gospel is not the people. Looking around, there isn't a single religion I'd be happier in. I would find flaws and things I was missing out on.
This gospel has everything and while other religions are so awesome and have so much good in them, they don't have all the truths necessary to bring lasting happiness. All I can really say is I know without a doubt this church is true through studying it, living it, and testing its principles in my life. I know it is true.

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I really haven't had the best relationship with my Heavenly Father lately but I so badly want to change that. I'm struggling. I have such a hard time praying and reading my scriptures too. I just don't know what to do or how to build a better relationship with Him.

I guess first off, you have to know that he is your Father. Like the perfect dad would be here on earth. He loves you so much and has a plan for your life. He wants you to be happy. Strengthen your knowledge of who he is personally to you. Take time to ponder and focus on who he is to you and how you feel about him. If you don't feel like you know him, study the scriptures.
Try your hardest to say prayers. Even if they are rushed or short it doesn't matter. A prayer is a prayer. The other day at a gas station I prayed to God. It doesn't matter where you are, pray. Have a prayer in your heart. I have often struggled to have consistent prayer. It is one of my biggest challenges. but I have since seen tremendous blessings as I have done my best to take a moment at least once a day and just say a prayer. Talk to him like he's your best friend, because he is.
Read simply just a verse of scripture per day and work up from there. It doesn't matter how little you do, it matters that you do it. Read one verse and ponder it throughout the day. Take it into your heart. Treasure it and find peace in it.
Most of all, I just want you to know that God is there. Even when you fall short and do all that you should as far as scriptures and prayer, he is still there. He loves you and watches over you constantly. Try your hardest, and if needs be, ask me for my imessage and I'd love to talk to you more. Or give you reminder texts to read scriptures, or send you a spiritual quote. I'd be happy to do so.
Give your best effort and God will see that and bless you. He will help you through anything.

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Liked by: Saucy Mormon

As a christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.

I think in the end it does not matter what others do to us. If people cheat you or deceive you or hurt you, it's on their head not yours. All we need to be concerned with in life is our actions.

How do I apply the atonement to my life? I don't understand how to do that.

The atonement is easily one of the most vast and complex, yet also simple aspects of the gospel. The atonement is pretty simple as far as what you do on your part though. When you sin, you go through a repentance process in which you recognize your wrong doing, feel godly sorry for what you did, ask God for forgiveness, make restitution, and resolve to never sin again. Repentance is about having a change of heart and wanting to be better. It's quite simple actually.
The atonement does so much more than cover sin though. The Savior not only suffered our sins, but he suffered our emotional and physical pains. The Savior has gone through exactly what you have. He has felt exactly the way you do. How? I can't even comprehend, but I know that the atonement happened and that it is real. I have personally felt it in my life and seen the blessings from it. Whenever you are going through a trial or fighting temptation or anything difficult, turn to the Savior. He knows exactly how to help you. I promise you that you will find peace as you earnestly and sincerely seek the Savior and seek to do what is right.

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have you ever been to the manti temple mormon miracle pageant..?

I have not. My dad went this last week and I didn't go. Perhaps I should have?

My miracle is that I got a girlfriend.

That shouldn't be :)
I'm sure you are amazing and it was all about timing. But I guess if it's a miracle to you :) though I bet any girl would be lucky to have you.

What is one thing u wish everyone knew but you haven't known how to tell us

I am completely exactly the way I seem, or at least when I say I want to help people and make them happy and that I love them, I mean it completely

Darkest secret?

I am actually such an open book but I guess the secret is is that I actually have such a dirty mind

Okay so I have this friend who returned from his mission about two months ago. We haven't spoken or anything since he came home. I'm going through a tough time right now, and having him around would help but I don't know what I should do. I've texted him, but he doesn't respond. What do I do?

Try calling maybe? It might be more awkward but maybe he got a new number since his mission or something? Or stop over at his house. I don't see why he'd have any reason to be rude but if that's the case you'll be able to find out. Best case scenario you get to talk to him and he can help you.
Oh or try calling his home number and asking for him

So my dad drinks and stuff so our refrigerator usually has a few beers in there. Sometimes I think that I should throw them away, but I love my Dad. And I don't want him to get mad at me over a silly thing like that. What should I do?

You have to respect him. Like I know you want the best for him, but since you live at his house and he probably provides everything for you, you have to respect his choices. And chances are, he could get mad, and that would just make everything worse.


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