

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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Im going to BYU Idaho in the fall. I can't wait. I know you want to remain anom, have you ever revealed yourself to anyone?

I have indeed! One person actually ended up living in my city, and the others just kinda happened as we became close friends!
Liked by: UtahTeen

have you heard of lindsey Stirling

yep!!! my brother loves her music, but I've never listened to it!

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are mormons anti-catholic???

nope!! mormons aren't anti anyone! actually that's what's awesome is a lot of churches have bits and pieces of what the LDS church believes! sure some mormons aren't always the nicest like they should be, but I seriously know some of the most christ-like people and they are mormon!

Wow I just gotta say, I've been reading some if your past answers and you represent the church perfectly you are so strong and have a string testimony! Keep going strong! Are you gonna be going to a BYU or anything?

that makes me really happy :) thank you so much!!! Nope not BYU! just another place in Utah!!

Good luck with your writing. I'm also trying to write. I want to write movies.

Thank you! that is really cool! script writing I'm sure takes a lot of hard work! but that is awesome!! good luck to you too!!!

What's your story? Everyone has one, what's your?

My story. ah I could tell you everything there is about my life, but I'll try to be concise. Well, my story is pretty boring. I have been blessed more than I could have ever asked for. I've never really had any serious illness, never broken a bone, never lost a loved one unexpectedly. I grew up always having my mom teach me to see the blessing in everything, to be positive. And so I have. I don't really have anything to answer when people ask me my greatest trials. I have always seen every challenge as a blessing to grow and learn as a person. From the time I was little I have had a wild side. But I've also had a really strong conscience telling me what's right. It's kind of a struggle. but my conscience always wins. I have stacks and stacks of composition notebooks with embarrassingly horrible stories. Most of which are imaginations of being loved. I've dreamed of being loved since I was little. I loved to write but as I grew older I was taught that writing wasn't practical nor was I going to be successful. however, I've now learned that I need to do what my heart tells me. my heart tells me to write. So that's my plan and now I will just have to see where it takes me. I have been raised Mormon but didn't know it was true until I was 16. Knowing that it's true has been the biggest blessing in my life. I'm naturally defiant and I have to find things out for myself. And now that I have, I live and breathe it. Knowing all that God has in store for me makes everything worth it. Basically my life story is average. I'm just a normal girl with challenges and blessings, hard times and happy times. I think I'm unique in the way I love people. but that's another story in of itself. and that, is a little bit of my life story I guess. super random, huh?

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Liked by: Vegas Mormon Girl

What are your talents?

I'd say seeing the best in people, loving people, writing, photography, being dedicated and working hard.
Liked by: Eponine∞

What was/is the most difficult thing about the gospel for you to understand or gain testimony of?

For me the hardest part is accepting God's will and plan for my life. Generally I do but it's when trials come that my trust and faith in God must be proven.

Would you consider yourself content with your life? Like, are you happy?

You know? There's a lot of things I could wish I had right here right now. But that's the thing is I can't wait all my life to finally be happy. So yes I'm content, but only so that I am happy with what I have not comfortable or unmoving, because I really have so much to improve upon

Do you have a boyfriend?

We haven't necessarily made that official but I am totally and completely head over heals for him, and I believe he is for me, so I guess you decide.

What are five things you love about yourself? And, if you could have any one thing, what would it be and why?

Well lets see 1. When tough stuff comes up its hard for me at first but once I really feel it and work through it I get through it well. 2. I love everyone. Sometimes a curse but I find the best in everyone and I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. 3. I'm a hard worker and I will do whatever it takes to achieve something. 4. I have a great attention to detail and notice the little things no one else ever does. I remember things in memories and so I remember things better visually. 5. I love with all my heart and I'll sacrifice for those I love.
The one thing I really want is my boy, because he's far away and I really really love him with my whole heart.
Liked by: Eponine∞

Number one thing you look for in a guy??!

He treats me right. Treat me right and you just might get the world back from me.


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