

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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Does it annoy you when random people tweet you a loooot on Twitter?

Nope! Unless they are being creepy, but I am usually pretty nice anyways :) and by creepy I mean like wanting to know my address or something haha. But as long as people are nice then absolutely not.
Wow sorry that was more explanation than probably anticipated.

what is your favorite law enforcement show?

Hmm show? Ah I don't watch a lot but I've watched some documentaries about cases and I like those!! At one point I wanted to be a lawyer!

Of course you are. You are such a strong and spiritual girl. You represent our church perfectly. You are absolutely gorgeous. Not to mention sweet and amazing. Keep doing what you're doing. You're such a inspiration to me and others who know you

Thank you. I need to remember this when things get hard.
Liked by: Tiffany

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What is the most played song in your music library?

If I had them in my music library they would be young blood, Houdini, and probably a marina and the diamonds song

okay so i got this dumb idea and started cutting.....i need help, i cant tell my parents about this.

That's not good at all :( I cut once and it's not good at all and it was something I never wanted to do again. You need to try and find something else to replace it and release your pain into. Writing or music or anything. But you need to tell someone. I promise there is someone in your life you can trust that help you through it! But cutting definitely isn't good! Self harm in the long run only adds more pain for you. Don't give up you can get through this!
Liked by: theshybutcoolgirl


Am I really? Like seriously? You don't even know how much that means to me. I know I'm an absolute mess sometimes but it's because I do everything with my whole heart and sometimes I get torn apart for it. But really thank you, I'm seriously crying because it means so much to me.

Why you so upset tho

Because I'm not that confident in the fact that someone could really love me and it hurts so bad because I love someone more than anything.

Why are you so sad right now?

It's a long and complicated story but basically I miss the boy I love and he isn't talking to me. I'm sure he isn't mad or anything but I'm a worrier and it's been like almost two days....

Would you have a NCMOS with me?

No because I'd fall in love with you and you'd break my heart. I can't do the whole NC part

What should I do if I have an addiction I can't quite quit and I am afraid to see my bishop?

That's the thing - an addiction isn't something you can overcome by yourself anymore. It's something you need help with. You need to tell someone, I'm sure your parents are just as scary as a bishop but you need someone's help to overcome it. Along with that pray as much as you can, study your scriptures, and strive to always have the spirit with you.

If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

Someone that lives a harder life than I do. I think often times I need a reality check to be better and do better with that which I've been blessed with.

Anouncements announcements announcements. A terrible death to die a terrible death to die a terrible death a terrible death a terrible death to die. Announcements announcements announcements. Ughh <3

I do not know what this means but whatever it is I hope there really is no terrible death to die. Because even though I know there's life after death, someone dying breaks my heart and I will cry a lot

im always depressed, when you meet me i can act like the happiest person but im not, im scard to tell my parents cause they might freak out. any ideas?

What DOES make you happy? Is there ever a time you ARE? Try to focus on those moments, however small, and magnify them. It's okay to be sad but if you really feel as if its depression and holding you back from living your life let your parents know. Yes they may freak out, but it's only because they love you and if it's serious you can get help with it.
Liked by: theshybutcoolgirl

Name 5 things you look for in a guy.

1. Loves the gospel
2. Sense of humor
3. Humility
4. Perseverance/Never gives up
5. Kindness and love towards everyone/selflessness
Liked by: Utah Mormon Guy

God is more real than I could ever express to you! Not just because I can feel His love, I can see the love as he helps through the challenges of addiction!

I totally agree. There isn't much I will do to convince to someone because it is just so apparent to me. If there wasn't a God I'd have no purpose in my life. And I know I don't just exist. I've just seen in countless ways that he exists. And more than that but that he loves us and wants us to be happy, that he cares for us, that he hears our prayers, and that he gives us personal and modern revelation.

You know you're about to die in less than one month nobody knows but you. You don't know when though... What would you do? Proceed as normal.. Or do something super spontaneous?

be absolutely crazy. I would tell people, and I would make sure to spend time with those I love. I'd also start writing like crazy, because writing lives on forever even when someone is gone.

God isn't real.

I've seen this on several anons askfm's and honestly I am not going to fight it. You obviously have the time to go about putting this which only shows your resentment towards those who believe in God. I respect your beliefs as should you respect mine. Perhaps in the future go about sharing your beliefs in a friendlier way instead of a way that imposes it upon others. Truthfully, you will never change my mind so...............................................................

Carries out a course to improve my English hahahha!!! I'm from Venezuela. and within a few months I will serve a full-time mission. By the way I am a member of the church! when you return from the mission I would like to study at Brigham Young University. Do you get residency in Utah to study?

Francisco Torrelles
I don't know bout the residency but as far as you being from Venezuela and serving a mission, I know that will help a lot!

if you can not answer my question ... on a scale of 1 to 10 that has a chance of entering foreign Brigham Young University. I am interested in joining

Francisco Torrelles
I'd if you are foreign you have a much higher chance. I honestly don't know on a scale of 1 to 10 though? But you definitely have an advantage over a white Utah Mormon :) aka me hahaha

What is the blood atonement?

To be honest, I have never once heard that in my life. But since I am me, I decided to research this. So supposedly this is the belief that the sin of murdering someone is so severe that the Atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ doesn't apply, thus murderers cannot be forgiven unless they themselves have their lives sacrificed. Since I was not alive in the time period, this being an original belief by early prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was not aware of this nor had heard of it. This is because this belief is no longer practiced by the church (just as practices of polygamy are no longer practiced). I can't say I fully understand it because all my life I have believed that all sins, besides denying the Holy Ghost (which is impossible for someone who is not a prophet, seer, or revelator to commit) can be forgiven. Of course certain sins are harder to receive forgiveness for because there are more serious sins, such as murder or adultery, but that doesn't mean that forgiveness is unattainable, it simply that the means by where you attain it is more difficult. :) hopefully that answered your question!

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