

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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I've actually come up with some ideas for writing, but I haven't done much with them at all

You should you should!!

anything really! have you ever thought about writing a novel or something?

Yes!! I have actually!!! I don't know exactly what I'd write though

Have you dyed your hair yet? What's the plan?

I'm going to in a few hours!! :) I'm thinking I'm just gonna get blonder highlights?

are you currently writing anything?

This exact moment? No. I should though! Like a poem or for my blog?

Hey so you give good advice right? I really really like this girl. But I only talk to her on Twitter and snap chat etc. But I really like her yet she flirts with a lot of guys. Not ad heavily as she does with me but she only flirts like that with me in private. Should I tell her how I feel?

Best case scenario yes. Then you will know. Maybe you will be hurt cause she just likes everyone. But maybe you'll be lucky and she will like you the same. Either way saves you trouble.

What do you do for Easter?

Go to church, go to my grandmas and eat dinner and have an Easter egg hunt, and typically celebrate my birthday at my grandmas

Have you lived in Saratoga Springs or do you just have friends there?

Just know lots of people there. My cousin cruelly lives there, my friend, my ex's sister

Where was your first kiss?

On the neck. Yes I've never kissed on the lips only a boys neck. And I know you mean location wise so Saratoga Springs Utah


Language: English