

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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Because it is fun and I want to show you that your religion is false.

Well I guess if this is what you get off on.
And you'll never do that. Keep trying. But fail, fail, always and forever.
Liked by: Larissa

I have already tried this retarded mormon stuff. I only feel guilty and everyone expects so much of me. They used to say "oh you are such a great young man, you are going to do so well in life" just because I would go to church and do all that priesthood bull but now they don't care about me.

Guess what? You've been pretty rude to me honestly, but nonetheless, I sincerely love you.
Not everyone sucks. Not everyone will treat you bad. Not everyone will judge you.
Liked by: Larissa

People see god all the time because: they have a high fever, they have side effects to medication, heat stroke, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, they were dreaming. There are quite a few reasons, how can you know when it is real and when it is fake?

What's your point in all of this. Why are you wasting your time on me?

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You don't know exactly why everything happens in the universe so you settle for believing in a god that punishes people for not doing what he says. You worship a 4 year old with temper tantrums. Every mormon constantly babbles about free agency, if that is so important then why does god take it away

Do you know why anything happens in the universe? Do you have any proof whatsoever that I'm wrong? Or is all you have your ignorant arguments?
I don't mind answering questions, but I don't like arguing. So if your aim is to change me. Find a new hobby.

So you have no proof but you constantly try to protect your pointless beliefs because you have been conditioned to do so?

Why are you such a proof based person? I think even if you saw God yourself you would be so stubborn you wouldn't believe it.
Knowing isn't seeing.
And I do nothing because I'm told to or conditioned to or forced to. Please stop being so judgmental of me.
Liked by: Larissa

God is like an imaginary friend. Things happen that you like and you thank him, something bad happens and you say well he is testing me. Anyone can do that with any imaginary friend, there is no substance to the belief in god.

I don't understand what your point is.
I believe in God. You don't. That's totally fine. I'm happy. Are you?
Liked by: Larissa

How did you learn so much about the gospel?

I've had the privilege to be in the gospel all my life. I've had amazing teachers and friends and parents who've taught me it. All my life up until the time I was 16 I questioned everything. When I was 15 I stopped going to church. Things changed and I decided to start dedicating myself to find out if the gospel was true or not. So I did. and now after learning all the things all my life, I know that all of it is true. Without question. And I do all I can do to dedicate my time to learning more about it and other religions as well.

Look at my profile and at the 2 most recent questions asked please

I did. Seriously don't let someones unbelief hurt your belief. People want to shake others belief in something that makes them happy when they themselves are miserable. :) Keep being happy and nice and positive.

If mormons are supposed to love their enemies then why do they always blame everything on satan? They use him as a scape goat for everything.

if Mormons are? everyone should. Why should we hate anyone?
That's not what Mormonism is though. It's not blaming Satan.
I'm pretty serious, you sound like you would be awfully interested in World Religion and Theology classes. Take time to take a class and learn for yourself about Christian theology and belief about Satan.

So now you don't even care anymore. You are using your blind faith as a weak defense because you will not investigate that legitimacy of Joseph Smith's "translation". This is why I hate religion, people become ignorant about anything that gives a negative appearance to their own religion.

Tell you what, when you are willing to come here and spend hours upon hours with me I will discuss it. But I can't devote my time to someone who won't even give me something to know them by.
My faith is not blind. Don't be so judgmental. You don't know my life or the things I've gone through. Don't assume. I'm not judging you so don't judge me.
You can hate religion and all those who have it, but in the end, it's only you that suffers, and for that I am sorry.
Besides I'll own up to it. People think Mormons are brainwashed, crazy. That they are going to Hell. But not everything people think are true.
I myself have "investigated" as you call it the legitimacy of Joseph Smith's translation. I'm sorry, but I don't need tangible proof. That is not faith. I have faith. Faith does not require evidence. I know with all my heart that the translation by Joseph Smith was of God. I don't doubt that for a second.

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Liked by: Larissa

Look in the book of mormon for the hieroglyphics. There are facsimiles in the back.

Your point?
I know that the Book of Mormon was translated correctly through the power of God. That's all I need to know.
Liked by: Larissa

Smith says they are about Abraham but that is a bunch of nonsense, he had no idea what he was talking about.

You obviously have a Book of Mormon right in front of you. Calm down. Open your mind, Open your heart. And read it. Stop your ignorance.
Liked by: Larissa

Im talking about the facsimiles you silly goose.

what do you mean by that? the original translation is correct. of that I have no doubt.

Joseph Smith knew nothing about egyptian hieroglyphics, he translated all of them wrong. He could have been translating the book of mormon wrong. Maybe there was no influence from god in the first place. If he was speaking with god then how would god misinterpret the egyptian papyri?

I don't know where you got the idea that it was Egyptian. It wasn't.
It was a language no historian could translate. The only way it could have come to pass is through the power of God.

What is the deal with Joseph Smith and his supposed translation of egyptian papyri? The majority of egyptian hieroglyphics are from the book of the dead. That has nothing at all to do with Abraham and Joseph had no previous experience with hieroglyphics whatsoever.

There isn't relation between the two.
Through revelation from God Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. But Egyptian? The Book of Mormon wasn't written in the Egyptian language.

Not all drugs are addictive and control your life. There is no physical withdrawal from psychedelics. Why do mormons follow some parts of the word of wisdom and ignore others? I have never seen them eat meat sparingly, most bishops gorge themselves but they completely abstain from drinking.

Because everyone makes mistakes and no ones perfect at every aspect of the gospel. Not taking drugs is a choice and everyone has it. There's no reason to criticize someone for taking drugs or not taking drugs. We all have our lives and our choices.

How do you know that the bible was translated correctly, it could have been cannabis, that makes a lot more sense.

It wasn't and isn't. It still isn't correct. But the most correct version is the Kings Jame Version and I believe it and know it's true. Please, I'm sure you can find something better to do than fight a war you won't win.

Have you heard of the holy anointing oil?

In Hebrew culture, the holy anointing oil (Hebrew: shemen "oil", ha-mishchah "of anointing" שמן המשחה) formed a part of the ordination of the priesthood and the high priest as well as in the consecration of the articles of the tabernacle (Exodus 30:26) and subsequent temples in Jerusalem. The primary purpose of anointing with the holy anointing oil was to cause the anointed persons or objects to become qodesh – most holy.

Moses used these hallucinogenic substances to talk to god. If they were used by prophets then why is it a sin to use them now? Was he really speaking to god or was it all a hallucination? Also Calamus contains a chemical called asarone which is a precursor to an ecstasy analog.

The word of wisdom is a personal choice. If you want to drink and smoke and take drugs you truthfully can. Lightening won't strike you. The word of wisdom is guidance given to you to follow because you will be blessed in countless ways, including physically.
Want to know the truth? The word of wisdom is less about the actual thing and more about the concept. Things such as alcohol or drugs are addictive. They can control your life. That's why. The point is so you have a clear mind and aren't bound to something. A substance doesn't control you.
Liked by: Gabby Binns


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