

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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You're turned into a musical instrument what are you?

A harp. Why I don't know it sounded beautiful.

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Do you have any odd food habits?

I eat horribly for streaks and excessively healthy for streaks. It's probably super bad...

What are your favorite things about men in general?

good hair hehe I have my own specifications on that, sentimentality and the ability to express emotions and feelings openly, good cuddling, humility.

Some religions believe that Saturday is sabbath day and others believe it's Sunday. I've read in the bible and it doesn't specifically say what day it is! Is it Saturday or Sunday, and how?

Okay, so this is actually pretty cool! So the way I see it, it's really not about the technicality of what day to devote to God. I see it as you should always worship God in all that you do and look to him. However, after God created all things, he had a day of rest (which who knows, a day in God's time is probably very very differing to ours). So a holy day was set apart each week to rest and worship.
History of it kinda:
Before the resurrection of Christ, the members of the Church observed the last day of the week as the Sabbath, as did the Jews. After the resurrection, the members of the Church, whether Jews or Gentiles, observed the first day of the week to remember the Lord’s resurrection. The Church (The LDS Church, as many others do too) today continues to observe one day each week as a holy sabbath day on which to worship God and rest from the labors of the world.
Ultimately, the sabbath is simply a day to remind people to gain their spiritual nourishment and look to God. So to me in the end the actual day doesn't matter, but that's kinda where it all comes from. :D

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When someone physically harms themselves, that's pain Christ felt?

yes, I believe that all pain we suffer physically and emotionally, Christ suffered for.
So when that person self harms, Christ felt their emotional, mental, and physical pain.

what do you do when you get bored at work?

well I don't have an official job until today actually, just got tired.
but if I did I would clean or organize or think weird thoughts.

Is your avi your actual picture?

haha nope, hence the reason I am an anon.
I know, I know, she's pretty huh.

what kind of consequences did you have for not going to church?

Hm... well usually when she would say there was consequences I was too scared and went.
When I stopped going for six months she understood more what I was going through more because I had been severely judged by young women leaders and my bishop and had been treated like a leper for the way I dressed. I was devastated and felt unloved and unwanted. Trust me, I know what it is like to be offended, and to having been rightly so. I was told that if I didn't dress the way they wanted, I wasn't welcome.
But personal consequences I had in those six months is that it was harder for me to feel the spirit, it was harder for me in every aspect of my life. In school, with friends, with my family, with being happy. There is just something about the gospel that makes you complete. That makes everything right. For me, I KNOW it's true because I have experienced it. My experiences have taught me and shown me that it is without question.

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Liked by: Dakodah Devan

Why are you so positive?

The way I see it? Why be anything but?
My mom has always taught me to make the best out of everything, learn what I can, trust others completely, and assume the best of every situation and every person. I truly have seen it in my life that when I choose to do everything with a positive mind, everything seems a million times better. There will always be challenges in life, but it's always better to look at what is going right.
Liked by: Madeline Baker

If you had to evacuate your house in a hurry what would be the first thing you would take?

Hmm... definitely my journal. To be honest that has more in it that I could ever explain. My hopes, dreams, fears, experiences, lessons learned, love stories, writings, testimony. I LOVE my journals.

If you could go back in time, which time period would you choose?

ah, that is a good question. so many weird things about each time. haha pioneer days would be too hard for me. I am not physically strong to walk the plains, I'd say my mental ability is better. The 20's were pretty wild. The 30's were hard, hence the depression. hmm... but fringe is cool, and everyone loves the 20's so maybe that.
Or wait, the time of Jesus would be a good one too!

How can you be sure you believe in the church when parents just make you go anyway

Well for me I am 18 so I have no obligation to my parents to go.
However, I understand because growing up my mom wanted me to go so badly and would find consequences for me if I did not. I actually didn't go for about six months of my life because of people who had hurt me badly in my ward.
I think the important thing is to think less about your parents making you and instead devote your time and effort, since you already have to go, into finding out for yourself if it is true. You have to put a lot of time into it, but if you study it out, take notes, and ponder what you learn, you will come to find for yourself through experience in life that the gospel is true. But the only way you can find out is for yourself. No one else can give you that. Not even your parents by forcing you to go.
Liked by: Madeline Baker

Are you going to serve a mission? how do you feel about girls serving one?

You know, I wanted to, but the thing is I have realized I can still be a missionary by being me. I know that I shine the light of Christ wherever I go. It's so obvious. I know people see a difference in me. I know by helping others and being kind, I share the gospel through such a simple thing.
I think it's awesome for girls to go if they choose! Girls are amazing and some spirits can only be touched by the sister missionaries. They are truly an errand of angels. I say if you are a girl and want to go, follow your heart and ask God and do what is right for you.
Me? well I am completely in love currently.
Liked by: JJ

If you could meet one famous person, who would it be?

ah, that's a great question, but I find CS Lewis to be interesting considering he was a very committed atheist for most of his life, and then in later life he became an infamous and strong Christian. It would be cool to hear his life, and his perspective, and how that changed for him.

Do you think it's possible to be relieved of severe depression and the feeling of extreme stress just by a prayer?

I believe perhaps if it is severe depression you can be relieved by prayer of course, but if it's severe I don't think it can permanently help. God has provided people with the knowledge on how to treat such things as depression and I think that with faith in God and trust in medical care, depression can be relieved immensely. Stress certainly as well too!
I think prayer is all about faith. Prayer used to be so hard for me, but I truly know now that if you ask with sincerity believing God will answer your prayer, then he will and he will bless you and help you with ANYTHING.

What is the first scripture you memorized, and why?

Let's see, I think it was actually John 14:27. It's my mom's favorite scripture and it is also a great scripture and I believe that is the first I ever memorized.
If not it was 1 Nephi 3:7.

If you could only pick one thing that was important to you, what would it be?

God. He has given me everything I have and without him I am absolutely nothing. He created me, he gave me talents, he sent me here to earth, he gave me a body, he gave me my amazing family, he gave me all the experiences and opportunities I've had to learn and grow, he's given me all the people I love, he's given me comfort and hope and peace.
He is the most important thing in my life, and I love him with all my heart, mind, might, and soul.

If someone is really committed to their church how would you go about introducing the gospel into their life?

I think it is all about the right timing. You can talk to them about it and share it, but in the end the gospel is all about timing and sometimes the gospel is planted in their heart and it will take many years for them to take it in and want it in their life. That's really all you can do is just politely share your beliefs even discuss theirs and just be an example of living what you believe


Language: English