

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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LOL! How come I've never seen you picslip on here? :P

how long have you followed me I guess hahah?

Do you believe having a dirty mind is a good or bad thing?

can be both. it depends. but that's my opinion.

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HAHA! How can this be a dating profile if nobody can see your face?

hahaha it's ironic you say that when I picslip all the time and like thirty of my followers know me....

What do you feel makes a guy physically attractive to you? What do you feel makes you physically attractive?

Okay physical hmmm. Okay well I guess for a guy.. beautiful eyes are definitely attractive. Hair is a must for me. Like good hair is super attractive to me on a guy. I think being just medium build is attractive - not too muscular not too skinny not too big, I guess average? but it could go either way on that really. Hair color and eye color don't really matter to me, height preferably at least taller than me. But yeah beauty is only skin deep. That's how I feel.
Hahah well I would definitely say my personality is much better than how I look and I'm also a girl and very critical of myself so to find what makes me attractive is hard but.... I'll try for you.
Well I have long blonde hair, which I was with wonderful shampoo and conditioner that makes it soft and smell good. I have green eyes with flecks of amber in them and sometimes some blue as well. I'm short-ish which could be a pro or con. I'm not skinny but not too big. I like wearing skirts and lace and I always have my nails painted. I also have been told I have cute, not weird feet (which apparently most feet gross people out so I guess that's a big deal). I have the biggest heart. I know you can't see it, but just maybe one day it'll burst out of me.
haha I feel like this was just a dating website profile....

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How important is physical attraction to you when it comes to liking somebody?

To me it's definitely important, in a relationship I need to have physical attraction to someone. However it's not like physical attraction based on looks too much. For me, someone can be very very physically attractive, but if our personalities don't click, then how they look on the outside doesn't matter anymore. Same goes for outward, yes I need to be physically attracted to someone, but it doesn't mean they need perfect skin and perfect hair and perfect teeth and the perfect body, I just need to have that connection. As long as their personality is exactly what I'm looking for, chances are they are going to be the most attractive and sexy person on the planet.

You live close to Pleasant Grove? Do you live in the direction of Provo or away from it?

South of Pleasant Grove!

What is it like to live in Utah?

I think for the most part it's like anywhere else - unique, has it's differences, but is just about like everywhere else. Some unique aspects of Utah is the beautiful landscaping like the Rocky Mountains, the red rock and arches in southern Utah, and so on. I guess another aspect is the higher concentration of a specific religion, that being the LDS. 50 percent are members, so yes you are mostly surrounded by members, but I also know plenty of non members or inactive members. Utah is diverse to an extent. It's really safe I would say in comparison to other places. It's honestly super normal and relaxing and beautiful. I personally want to move out of state at least for awhile and go on a personal adventure in a big city, which Utah doesn't have a lot of, even Salt Lake is small in comparison to other state capitals. However overall, I really love Utah. It's gorgeous, there are a lot of really nice and helpful people, but like anywhere else has its own flaws and unique features.

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Those are all cities I've never been to, but are all on my list! I almost went to San Francisco this summer, but I couldn't make it work. :/

San Francisco is beautiful, LOVE the bridge especially and the streets and it all. It's been too long since I've been though.

LOL! You sound like one of those rare girls with a big chest and small waist. Am I right? :P

haha I wouldn't have a clue. I am just me, I'd prefer to be smaller overall everywhere, but that's life and I accept myself as is and am willing to work on it. I don't know what small or big is because once again, subjective haha. Everything nearly in life is about perception.

That's awesome! What are some big cities you'd like to experience?

Well I LOVE San Francisco, I want to go to a lot of places in New England like New York and Boston. those are probably my top areas in the US

HAHA! A push up bra would make them look too big? Am I allowed to ask how big they are? LOL! How would you say you are immodest compared to other Utah girls?

haha yeah... I mean that's essentially what it does, it pushes them up and makes them look bigger and I definitely do not want that. I'd rather be flat chested. I guess you're allowed to guess and to wonder hahah. I don't know if that's something I really wanna share... Ah I don't know like I said it's subjective so :P

Do you want to stay in Utah as you get older, or do you want to move out?

I love Utah but there is a big part of me that wants to live in a big city and move out and be on my own and have new experiences.

What do you mean by short shorts and miniskirts if you say some would see them that way and others wouldn't? Sounds like modesty really isn't much of an issue for you; the closest you get is liking push up bras a lot. HAHA!

well modesty is subjective honestly. I guess compared to most people in the world, I'm still super modest, but compared to some Utah girls not so much. So it's a matter of opinion. and ha..... I could never wear a push up bra, I don't need anything to look any bigger than it already is, nor have I ever worn one so...hahah I have plenty....

Do you want to go on a date sometime

well my instincts say we don't live remotely close and I also don't know who you are so that's a problem but yeah, dates are fun I guess.

What are the 5 things you can't live without?

God, a notebook, a pen, water, and I guess food hahah.

What are your favorite things about Utah?

it's absolutely gorgeous, there are a lot of things to do, I know at least my area super super well, there are lots and lots of friendly and nice and loving people who do things that I think most people don't have happen often done for them (such as someone paying for someone's stuff etc), and it feels like home for me.

I'm 16 and a guy that I like is 20... Do you think he is to old for me? We are both Mormon and he said he had wanted to kiss me. Would it be a bad thing if he did?

well, it may depend on the state, but yes he very well could have charges pressed against him if your parents wanted, and even then some states would consider it a sexual offense regardless, even if you technically consent, the law sees it that you are too young to have enough knowledge to do so. So if he's smart, it's in his best interest not to because it could lead to a lot of problems.

Hate, dislike, like, or love: short shorts, miniskirts, bikinis, tank tops, halter tops, strapless tops, tight little black dresses, push up bras, thongs, g-strings, sports bras, or booty shorts?

short shorts like but not the kind you're thinking probably. miniskirts - my mother thinks they're mini but they're not really mini. bikinis - no way. tank tops - like sometimes. halter tops - hahaha no I feel like I'm choking. strapless - nope. tight little black dresses - nope. push up bras - uh if I had one of those I would look disproportionate.... like a lot. thongs - not even comfortable. g-strings - same thing. sports bras - not a fan, hardly wear them. booty shorts - I actually don't know what qualifies as such.

Is there anything you like in men that you probably shouldn't?

hmmm...... I love everyone despite their flaws so maybe there are times I really should just let someone go and see how they are actually hurting me more than I can ever them or make them happy. So I guess that's it, I guess I focus too much on the good things about guys and choose believe the best.


Language: English