

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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Hey, I'm the only one in the world with my name too. No wonder we both haven't told each other. LO!L

Haha I feel like this should help but it doesn't. I'll make a deal with you. You tell me your name and I'll picslip and then I'll add you on facebook?

So, that should mean you have a really, really dirty mind. HAHA!

Maybe, but it's gotten me into trouble before haha

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Hmmm... Well even if I wanted to that doesn't mean I would...

Why not? You already know I want to talk to you :)

Wow! I saved you! That makes me a super hero! LOL! You know, you could just try giving me your name to find you on facebook. There is no guarantee I'll find you, even with the right name. LOL!

Yeah there is a guarantee considering I'm the only one in the world :)

To early, the members in England made them with the missionaries the day they met them. That's how much they love their innuendos. LOL!

Haha well unfortunately I am of Irish and Dutch and Scottish and German descent, with yes some English.

And why should I give you my first letter when I have nothing to go on to find out your name?

Because I know you want to :)

Followed, yes, but not in the way you are thinking. I left out one very key detail that would make it incredibly difficult for you to find out who this is. ;)

Ugh.... This isn't fair. But you are saving me from potentially creepy people I thought were you :) hahaha

Well, having lived in England, the capitol of innuendos, I love it when a girl uses innuendos, but the best ones are the ones that she means. ;) HAHA!

I can't make innuendos yet, too early too early.

No, but it was funny to say you might. LOL!

Hmmm you seriously followed me with in the past week and you're male?

I told you, I like mystery. LOL! Plus I am hard to outwit. I even like to make it look like people outwit me, then when they discover I was never outwitted I just laugh. :)

Maybe you can outwit but I can manipulate :)

That's right, you don't. But I'll add you on facebook and you'll find out who I am that way. That way you can immediately delete me if you freak out. :P

Hahaha you think I'll freak out?

And you gave me a hard time on not getting hints, and mine were a lot more obvious! HAHA!

I have no clue who you are hahah. I tried looking and I have noooo clue.

I was looking at summer on accident. I was like, that's all there is... The class must be full. LOL! I could maybe make it work. How about you give me your name to find you on facebook and I'll sign up for the class. Deal?

But I don't know you yet :P

Oh, mind... right... I just got, "That's what she said," in my head and it stuck with it. HAHA!

hahah yeah I don't think upside down would work too well.

Oh well, I figured you would have guessed that since I kept asking how close you were to Provo. LOL!

hahah no I didn't realize I guess.

Upside down? HAHA! That could be taken so wrong. All I'd have to say would be, "That's what she said." XD

I can't do handstands.


Language: English