

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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na your fine I'm geussing u live in provo

Nope ha orem but I know lots of BYU students and have been around BYU campus all my life

why do u want to go to uvu not byu like go cugars I love uvu but byu is awesome

Hahaha I honestly could rant about this A LOT. I don't want to seem like I hate BYU, but I strongly dislike it. It is too narrow minded for me - I like the diversity in race, culture, religion, dress, thought process, and lifestyle which UVU has, which BYU severely lacks. Also, most of the people from high school I knew going there were the people that drove me crazy - love them, but they drove me nuts. I'm not saying everyone will be like them, but generally I think they will be somewhat. Also, I know like maybe 1, or 2 BYU guys that don't act like they're entitled. I mean come on, yeah you go to BYU and you're an RM, but that does not make you better than anyone else or entitle you to dates. I've also met one to many "Mr. NCMO's" and while that might be your sort of thing and I'm not going to judge you for it - it's when you only have that alone on your mind when you talk to me that I draw the line. just no, I think its selling yourself short. That's typically the type of BYU guys I've met. I think going to BYU after living in Utah is furthering that Mormon culture mentality. also, though UVU has an honor code, it's nothing like BYU's, and it gives freedom to people to choose how they want to dress and present themselves, which personally I think having a strict dress code is weird because most of the girls there would normally dress inappropriately any way if they could. I guess what I'm saying is I feel like at BYU you meet people and a show is put on - a facade. At UVU people are exactly how they seem. And for me? I like that. I couldn't be happier. And truthfully, BYU wouldn't be my next pick anyway, I'd probably go to Utah state if not UVU. I'm honestly not the only one, a bunch of my friends feel the same way about BYU, and I agree, it's an awesome school if it's your kind of place, like it has prestige and is very established but it's just not the right place for me.

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Hi! I saw your tweets with your ASK posts on it and wanted to know what it was like living in Utah? I'm going to be moving to Utah from Florida, which I would imagine is completely different from one another. What are people in SLC, South Jordan, and Ogden Utah like? Is it a fund place to live?

Well, I guess it can depend based upon the area you live - like I know at my cousin's high school there was a big drug and bullying problem, however I'd say basically most areas are the same generally and there are just exceptions maybe. First off - Utah's weather and climate is much different from Florida. I believe Florida is a more humid state, well, when you come here be prepared to have very very dry air and to put on lots of lotion. Of course snow is a factor too, and summers can be pretty hot and dry as well. Overall, Utah is such a safe place to live in comparison to most places so that's a plus. I'm assuming you're Mormon but if not I'll talk about that next. So assuming you are, you might meet people you think are judgmental and perhaps maybe they are, but cut them some slack and be open to everyone. If you're not Mormon, same thing really. People are usually really nice and outgoing and maybe obnoxiously caring at times. Just like anywhere else there are rude people or inconsiderate people. It's a great place to live, and really so beautiful. There is so much to do and I honestly really love it.

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Why are Mormons in Utah so judgmental toward people who aren't Mormon?

Personally, I'm not that way. I've also seen a lot of very understanding and open minded people. However, of course there are cases when those of the LDS religion in Utah become very judgmental. I think the whole thing is kind of mind boggling because when we choose to say someone is being judgmental, in that very moment we too are judging. I try not to focus too much into what others are living so long as they treat others fairly and kindly. I guess the major reason it might be that way is because it is hard to see others doing stuff that one might believe to be negative, when in reality we should all be concerned with our own lives. The way I am, most of my favorite people aren't members, and they teach me so much. But I can see how easily it is for members to feel ... perhaps awkward, around non-members if they aren't used to others having different beliefs. Living in Utah you get used to that and so sometimes things that are in the real world shock you, and it can be the natural thing to judge another. Ultimately, I think life should be about accepting everyone and loving them and coexisting peacefully though we all have different beliefs.

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Are Mormon guys/girls allowed to date non-Mormon girls/guys, or does the Mormon temple tell them not to do that?

Well, it's totally allowed but sometimes discouraged. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, the only thing is a foundational belief of the LDS religion is to marry within the temple because it is believed to be different than just a civil marriage. If the person becomes close with a non-Mormon it just creates a dilemma between getting married in the temple or having a civil marriage. Some people decide that the temple isn't personally important for them and therefore don't take much consideration to whom they date while others probably take it a little to seriously and act like non-members are the plague. I certainly think it's a personal choice but for me, I would stray away from becoming too attached to a non-member in a romantic way because I know it would be incredibly hard to choose and honestly, I think it shouldn't have to be a choice.

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What is a JACK Mormon?

I guess it can be a couple of things, but mainly when I hear it I think of people who say they are Mormon and in the convenient location act accordingly but then in the more dominant part of their life act otherwise. I think that these people can seem very hypocritical when in reality it really just comes from their lack of true faith or belief in the religion itself, thus they don't have a foundation in it and only act as so when it works well for them.

Are there people that could be together, but just never are because they meet at the wrong point in time?

Honestly I think that if it's meant to happen then it will. Whether you come together by chance or by one person making a great effort to meet the other, it happens for a reason and I think if you're meant to be it'll feel right and it'll come easy. Yes, relationships are still work but I mean the chemistry and emotional should already come easy and if it doesn't you can't force it. If you want to be with someone, go for it and don't be afraid. Take risks and chances because you have nothing to gain if you never try and you have nothing to lose if you do. But sometimes you figure out in the end that person really isn't meant for you after all and you just have to accept it.

What is your stance on making out?

I think it sounds wonderful but I've never even kissed anyone so find me a guy worth kissing and then I'll let you know how making out goes.

Do you think sex and sexuality need to be a more discussed topic in society? Or do people focus too much on it? Or perhaps just focusing on the wrong aspects?

haha okay well here's the thing - I never learned sex ed in a health class, as awkward as that may be I learned it all from friends and jokes etc. BUT I live in Utah and I personally thing in LDS culture it could be discussed more but in an appropriate classy way to educate youth because some don't even understand why the law of chastity exists. however, in society as a whole, I think it's discussed far too often in a crude and demeaning way that takes something very beautiful and sacred to me personally and turns it into something full of personal selfishness and pleasure. But it's the world and that's what the world does - it turns things into something they're not. I totally can't judge someone for freely having sex but if it's just purely for personal gain and pleasure than I can't say I have much respect for someone who is that selfish. BUT once again that's my personal opinion. Some people are like, whatever, sex, it means nothing. but for me it means a lot.

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What do you think about gender expression?

Hmm, I think... I don't know how do I explain this haha. I guess it's good for genders to express mannerisms that correlate with their gender? though I don't believe gender roles to it's entirety? Kind of a complex thing I suppose.

I was hoping you were going to BYU and that I might have met you and we could've been pals cuz you're cool and run on sentences yay

We still can? I mean Orem and Provo are homies for life ha ha ha, so it could happen you know?


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