

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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What is your greatest wish for this year?

To be happy and grow as a person and make friends and change lives and be proud of who I am

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What makes you sad? What makes you happy? How do you turn a sad day into a happy one?

Well haha I'm a baby and things can make me sad pretty easy, just because I'm an emotional person and little things can affect me - especially just feeling for others sorrows. Happy? Lots of things make me happy but they so simple. Like someone talking to me, someone being passionate for what they love, uniqueness. It can be difficult to switch a sad day to a happy one but it is simple. It's your attitude. Focus on the good. Remember happy moments. Pray. And remember that every moment is as good as you make it to be

Haha I'm definitely a girl

Hmm goodness I don't know... Kat, Emily, Sarah, Rachel, Makinzie, Claire ... I'm sure there's more... Ah

Guess :)

Well this is hard cause some people I haven't wrote back and a few never wrote me back... Are you a boy or girl?

Is your Utah Mormon girl avi actually you?

Haha nooooo it never is. I am an anon so my picture is never me. However I am blonde and at least try to find one remotely like me? Haha but don't expect toooooo much

What was the last life-changing decision you had to make?

ahhhh which one haha. classes, major, college, friends, etc etc. like everything is life changing you know?

Do you get many "questions" attacking your religious beliefs? How do you handle them?

recently no! I used to get crazy tons. Go check out my past asks, you'll find some crazy stuff. The way I handle it is basically as follows -
I take a deep breath and realize that someone I have never met is attacking me. They are probably ignorant to my personal life as well as most likely to the religion. If they are familiar with it, then I assume they were majorly offended or hurt by someone of the religion (because honestly this is almost always the case... I know, having family members who have been excommunicated do to their own misdeeds and having anger because they feel "singled out." though this is just one case and certainly not all those against my beliefs have been so. Point is, typically they have a reason to their anger.)
Then, I think, this is public and everyone can see it. First off, I'm a pretty level headed person once I can catch my breath. Why be quick to anger and look like a fool while also giving the person what they want - which is to cause anger. I also take into consideration that this is a wonderful missionary opportunity for everyone else to see and hear about the gospel. I'm not like a walking bible but I think I can adequately say the truth about my religion in most cases.
Next, if I know something regarding to what they say, I listen to the feeling in my heart and write from it. I have an advantage I suppose by being a writer and somewhat amateurishly eloquent. Then if I don't know something or am a little unsure, I go study it and read up on it and respond in that way.
What it comes down to is this - you don't know that person and they don't know you. It doesn't matter what you say because they will not change. But you can use it to be a positive opportunity and share the truth about your beliefs. In all things, don't lose your head, keep your cool, and stay classy. Always listen to your heart and the spirit.
Oh, and always always be kind! :)

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Liked by: The Welsh Mormon

What's one thing everyone should do in their lifetime?

fall in love, lose themselves, experience pain, appreciate pain, grow from pain, choose to be happy in a horrible time, make someone else happy, stand in the middle of nature, stare at the night sky full of stars

Can you prove the mormon church is true?

First off, it isn't the "mormon" church, it's the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Second, why would I ever need to? I know it's true and nothing else matters. To me, something so powerful does not need logic or reason or science to prove it correct. I mean, for example, I'm sure you love your mother, but can you prove that? You can give me examples as to why you love her like you got her flowers, made her a cake etc. but none of that proves anything, it only implies so. I can give you examples and experiences as to why I know it's true, but prove it? There's nothing you can do to cause another to believe something unless they truly want to.


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