
Utah Mormon Guy

Okay! So this I got this boys number. And we text a little but I fell like all I ever do is ask him stuff. I know that is good to get to know him, but I don't think he even try's to even ask me stuff. So is that normal or should I stop and move on is that a hint?

ahhh this is a tough topic haha. because sometimes boys dont even realize they are doing this and other times it is a hint but I feel like this can be said for all people not just boys! but anyways I feel like either way try not texting him for a day or too and if this happens and he doesnt text you its probably a hint but if he does than he is interest and just sucks at keeping the convo going!

Latest answers from Utah Mormon Guy

What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays?

Oh you mean Christmas? I want people grow up and not get butt hurt over calling the "Holidays" by their real name, like Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Christmas!

Who was the last person you kissed and why?

It was over a year ago. It was my girlfriend. But we aren't dating anymore. I haven't seen her since.

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