
Varun B.

Perks of dating you dong kak.

1. If you need help, i will always be there.
2. If i am with you and we get into a trouble, i wont run away.
3. If you're low, you can expect donuts from me.
4. I might be busy working sometimes but you can always come along.
5. No matter where i am. If you wanna meet me, i'll always be there.
6. By one way or another my family will get to know about you.
7. I don't mind going out with you for random walks or anything.
8. I might annoy you at times.
9. You can drop by anytime.
10. Even on my bad days, i will try making your day good.
11. i am over the concept of dating.
12. You'll get this even if i am just your friend. :)
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Latest answers from Varun B.

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No Cafè stays open this late now,
No fuel in my car too.
Stuck in front of two roads,
Who knows which one is right or which one is wrong.
A few went to the left and a few went to the right,
I wish to go straight though; into the woods, I stood.
Without a torch or a fire,
Nothing to guide me at all,
I went ahead in that deep dense forest seeking a few answers.
Before I entered, I had only one question.
But now my mind keeps filling with more.
Rocky terrain all over the place now,
Shaky world it has started to become.
So feel like taking my wish back,
Just want to start over with a normal way and a guide to get me out of this darkness and night.
But I guess I have come to far, too far alone.
Thought of that as motivating, went ahead.
Took a shortcut to reduce some pain of mine,
It may help me to heal before time.
Healed but broken again,
The shorter route had too many thorns in it too.
Don’t know why I always get stuck in these paths of lies,
Why every path from afar seem so good until I step on it and when I do step I don’t know why it seems so far to go back too.
Who gives a shit anymore? Kept walking on the same path.
Climbing every hill I see,
With the hope that I could slide down and feel some ease.
Its been a while and I have been walking in these thorns for too long to. Strange that I have stopped feeling them too just like they have stopped coming in my mind every now and then.
I see, I see a ray of light.
It fades after a little time but it sure comes back pretty soon.
Have I reached my destination after all and so soon?
I wonder why I ever said so soon.
I think I have started adapting with the darkness now,
My destination was here, all this time.
Right above my head was she.
Not shining much but enough.
Enough for me to understand,
I was always on the right path.
Every thorn I crossed, she crossed with me too.
How could I never see in all this darkness?
Too ashamed to look all the way above I guess.
Not anymore, I was the happiest now.
Happy enough to glow that star a little more.
There was I, happy as heaven with her right above my shoulder.
There was I, with my own rocky but adventurous life.
Before it could end with a happy note, the fire had reached my cigar’s butt.
And it was time to leave it all there, without an end and leave my imagination closed till the next time.

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Language: English