

Ask @VasHappeninDann

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Allison!! really? you going to give me your autograph?? OMGGGG!

yes Allison, I will, but idk why you want it. do you like it? is my first autograph...

can you give me your autograph??? please!!!??

omfg why? are you sure? I'm really nobody important! is the truth! but... as you wish, what's your name?

yes! im still thinking you are important or famous! but whatever u going to be an actress and maybe you'll be famous and I will have talked to you!!!

ham... thank you? :) if you think I'm famous I'll be, so, thank you so much!

and you have the simbol, im sure you're someone important!

IM JUST A TEENAGER WHO IS TALKING WITH ADAM HICKS, sorry, is just lucky, but I want to be an actress, lol. I am important now?

but you talked with hayley williams and adam hicks!! and I saw yesterday miley answerd u! tell me!

bnagsovaosgb I call to that lucky, but if you say, yes, I'm important ¿) haha lol

You don't need to know who I am, but I've been reading you're accs and you talk too much about me! Whatever I like it :)

Please, tell me who are u! I JUST WRITE ABOUT MY IDOLS, lol and it's impossible that you could be one of them, ah :$

c: Ok! Te dejo para que la leas agusto! Tu conciencia se va a ver la tv! Mañana hablamos?

me parece bien, conciencia, nos vemos mañana :3

asdfalsjalñsjalñjs! Ok! c: Que haces?

mmm... odiando a Taylor, se ha vuelto mi profesión lol, ntc, nada, estaba a punto de empezar a leer mi una de mis trilogias favoritas <3


Language: English