

Ask @VedasriKhavala

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Things Ak says?

Lol, Okay.
1. Haii Veds, Wassup?(or sometimes enna ya panren?)
2. Even if I give another day, you won't complete eating. (Old one. )
3. Pahh Bai. (Recent one)
4. Summa scene podadhu(Damn I don't know the spelling ). You would have finished studying. :P
5. Ayo Semma comedy po. :P
6. Match.. (Says something related to Virat :D )
7. Ohh. Okay
8. I pity your mom. Paavum. (Very old one.. )
9. I have come out to eat. ( Half the time I text, he will be eating. -.-)
There are more. i can't remember atm

Andha oru paatu lyrics vechu evlo di otuva???

Till your paati's atha's ponnu's paiyya's thatha's paiiya's mama's ponnu's amma's thambi's ponnu's marriage takes place. -__-
Sorry I don't know much tamil.. -_-
Btw listen to it once anon, before you comment.
Liked by: H.B V Sharmi Jen

Post something you wrote?

Okay This is more than a year old. Cause I posted it elsewhere, I shall post only this.

Stands she burdened with worries,
Frantic yet a smile she carries,
A step out her battle begins,
The doorway- exposing the demons.
Be it her college professor or her head officer,
Be it a crowded street or a lonely meet,
Ogling, whistling, groping, THE 'MEN',
Whilst the rest watch the fun.
Follow , chase, torture the pretty face,
All she can do -double her pace,
Stuck to headphones, yet hears their greedy groans,
Wondering why such greedy seeds are sown.
Neither the judge nor the lawyer, and stand in her favour,
And the demon's side always greener,
Stands she deep in thoughts sunken,
Terrified, still at the doorway frozen.
Creating a brave front, masking her visage,
Advances she, yet never freed from her cage,
With every step trodden, her zest faintly fadens,
As desperate as ever, raging for vengeance.
As though unknown, unheard these stories stay,
None to stand against, though encountered everyday,
How long will the battle of freedom prolong?
Will the common ever throng against the wrong?
Replace her hurdles with happy beginnings,
Her terrorising doorway-the entrance to heaven,
Allow her to venture the clear blue skies of freedom,
To breathe devoid of suffocation, depression and fear.
Wage a war, weapon yourself, Thrash the demons down,
Join the battle to make her live without a frown.

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Tbh... My other half ;) And YOU LOOKED SO SO SOOO BEAUTIFUL IN THAT SAREE OMGEE. I'd honestly think you looked the prettiest <3

Pink Falafel
Yo Huehuehue That's so sweet of you :)
Thanks <3
Ew No. There were so many prettier than me Girl! :)
All the best for your boards Nail 'em :D
Liked by: V

Things Shwetha says?

She can't 'say' stuff to me cause we be so far away and we hardly video-chat or call each other.. I shall rather say you the usual stuff she texts.
1. Hey Bafooon/ Buffalo(She might end up telling you 100 names of mine xD)
2.What's frying pan doing? Frying ah? (She has this stupid nickname for my irritating brother xD)
3. Ayo. She's such a bitch dude. Why are you wasting time? . xD
4. Ashoo Rama.
5. I'll come and put some sense in that stupid brain of yours.
6. *Sends five- six selfies* Look at this. I clicked 'em yesterday. Nice no? OR Which one is nice for Dp girlll?
7.Ey Sodabuddi. Busy ah? *THIS IS SO FRIKKING OLD. FOOL. NOW SHE IS SO BUSY -.-*
8. Since when have you become philosophical? xD
9. I miss Chennai and us :') I will come this summer just wait.. xD
10. Let's Gossip. You know what that female is upto eh...
11. Eh girl. Don't be mad at me okay. *Sends you so many messages fix your mood*
12. Ey fool. My mom's not letting me use facebook.
13. Ayo I love him.. This distance sucks xD *JUST KIDDDINNNGGGG*
( I had to include that cause 13 is my favourite number :) )

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Liked by: V Shwetha Srinivasan

Things Jen says?

Lol. I'll try. xP
1. You know what this foooolll did ah? (I like the way she says fool xD)
2. Won't tell me ah? I won't talk to you. Go die. :( (Won't talk to you for eternity.)
3. *Looks at a guy* That guy is SOOOO CUUTTTTEEEE. (Makes the cutest face ever.. ^_^ )
4. Eh Girliee..
5. Coming to Mc-rennet after class ah? Come no please? We'll get coke okay? xD
6. I'm so scared dude, I haven't started anything :(
7. Ask her/him to go die..
8. Wait I'll laugh and come back. xP
9. Don't speak in tamil ma. I beg you.(Laughs like an Idiot. xD )
10. *Sends a link* Look at this :(
11. Catch an auto for me no please?
12. Wait for me okay? :'3
Idhu Podhum ya.

PAP fav quote

LOL enough with the Pap’s, But I think this one will be in my top 10.
“When you truly like someone, let them go. Don’t cage them or force them to be with you, but wait for them to comeback. If they do, they are yours forever. And If they don’t, they were never yours to complain for. “
Liked by: Vishal Pandey Jen

tbh any one of your best friends. :)

I don’t know what’s up with these TBH’s, But Yeah here you go..
I won’t let the name out, But let's name the Person Y (Don’t ask me why- Just go with it..)
Y has given me one of the best gifts on my birthday, and I shall never forget Y for that :’)
Y has been this supportive person throughout, and has probably had more confidence in me than I ever had and will have.
Y is this one person I have the longest CONVERSATION in my life and it’s still running. xD
Trust me on that count, It’s unimaginably huge :’3 (I believe that’s the longest for Y too. )
Y gives advices and ultimately ends up calling them “Shitty advices”.. I am like what even. ._.
Y knows probably one of those few stuff I rarely share with people..
I don’t exactly remember when, but sometime long ago(some 3-4 years ago), Y and I had this stupid controversy, and It just ended to us not talking for some 3-4 months.(I frankly don’t remember when we started to talk again actually..)
Our priorities might have changed, I might not top Y's list anymore but Y will continue to be in my top 2 for sure. :)
And all I can do today is thank Y for being there in those shitty days of mine,
Y is definitely one of a kind, And definitely one of the best people you can find. :’)
Y has definitely been one of my bestest bestest friends. :’)
Thanks a lot Y :)
P.S.Phew I Feel relieved now. Thanks Anon xD

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TBH anyone you want

I can never let the name out, But let's name the Person Z :D
I have known Z for quite a while.. But I think It was Only last summer that I actually spoke to Z.
I shall never forget the impact Z has had on my life. I wouldn't have been able to pull through my 12th(I still doubt if I can.. But Whatever..)
Z was probably the only one person I ended up talking till 3 or 4 am almost everyday..
Whether I was happy or sad, Whether I succeeded or failed, Whether I was crying or laughing Z was there.
I like the alphabet Z a lot Because of Me and Z inventing the Zipzup ^_^
Z and me end up internally rhyming every single line when we chat. :3
Z probably knows some parts of my life in me which nobody else would've seen(Except Shwetha).
Today Z may never realize how thankful and grateful I am, but I know Z is responsible for some of the stupid idiotic smiles I give off.
Z is my bestest bestest friend, And I know I'll never find another like Z.
Damn I can go on But I think I should Stop. :)
Thanks a lot, Z :)

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You are so happy, Damn You keep smiling like an idiot. Is your life that perfect? I envy you, Cause I can never be as happy as you.

Hahaha. Thanks. :)
Keep smiling :)

Lol. Still it was better than your Dp. :3 Pah. still ore the romance with your ask fans. :P Bai vera level. :P What's up? :P

Aditya Krishna
Look I got a pap question..
Looks like somebody's got an overdose of vodka xD
Liked by: Shayan Nazir


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