
Venus Taylor

Ask @Venussstaylor

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If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

don't want any tattoos

Your screenshot of texts from like months and no it's the other way around fools I had an appointment that day she wanted to come over but I told her I was already going to my appointment LMAO I wonder how many calories you lost but just jumping into conclusion like that LMAO

Ohh_JesusCx’s Profile PhotoJesus
I know right hahahahah 😂

Ok girl thanks for answering my question! BTW I LOVE your name!!! Wish I I had a cool name like Venus tbh!

Welcome and thanks(:

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?

moist!!hate that word

Ok so do black ppl really like the smell of cocoa butter? I seriously mean no disrespect I'm asking cause a lot if not all the black people I know smell like cocoa butter! Not saying it's a bad thing at all just curious!

They put lotion that smells like it I guess idek hahaha because they get ashy

So you're half black right? Can I ask you something, but you won't get mad? Swear I'm not trying to be racist just curious...

Yeah go ahead hahaha


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