
I♥ love Vampires

Ask @VeronikaSirokaia

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What is your idea of the perfect honeymoon destination?

Yummy looks awesome :-) definetly will be this in the pic :p
What is your idea of the perfect honeymoon destination

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first 5 Likers get... 1 funny question 1 sexual question 1 random question and 1 question of your choice you'd like to know about the likers...

Nope ^^ 2 likers get 9 likes of your answers ,and the rest have 2 questions in both line :D x

i slept with a girl and i think am in love with her. what shall i do? (do you think i am a lesbian )

Erm if you a girl then you are definetly lesbian ,so my point is if you like her tell her how do you feel ...

What do you think is the best gift for wedding?

Give me an example ! A guy to give a gift for his wife ?or from friends?erm i think a 2 tickets for honeymoon in a beautiful sea sightseeing and for a men to his wife just to make her happy and to spend with her for his rest of his life ahhh *sighs * can someone turn me into a vampire and marry me

What's your favorite horror movie?

It will be Hill have eyes,Texas Chainsaw,Paranormal activity, American horror story Asylum,Frozen ,Mama,30 days of night (still want to see it over and over again)

Hey can you please report/block @GanaEaswa She stole hundreds of my best friends photos and poses as her on Twitter. Its really creepy and weird and we’re trying to get that fake catfish account banned, please dont believe anything she says! I appreciate your help if you could. Thank you :)

Okay done :-0 Cheers &Welcome x
Liked by: Insta: j.kitz


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