
Niko Skarp

For how long have you been playing League and how often do you play daily?

Ive played since end of season 2. Been playing Ahri only pretty much whole LoL career. I play around 3-10 Ahri games per day depending how much time I have and how motivated I am

Latest answers from Niko Skarp

Do you ever play some customs with your fans? i'd love to play a game with you :) i'm in Euw too :D

Sometimes in stream. Quite rarely tho

Ahri has been my favorite champion since I began playing two years ago,but in the last few months I haven't been able to play her worth a damn. It's really sad, because she's been my best champ by far for so long and the one that I've had the most fun with. How do you deal with tilt like this?

Idk I play plenty of Ahri games in a day. Some go bad, some well. Just go next game and forget about the last.

I'm a huge fan of your Ahri. Really an inspiration, you're the reason I main her now. Just want to thank you and keep up the amazing plays :3


Who are the worst champs to lane against as Ahri?

Strong laners f.e. Swain Vlad Syndra Viktor Azir etc. I also hate playing vs Zed

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