

Ask @VinnieDesdain

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What was one toy you wanted when you were younger but couldnt get?

A Baby Alive ;w;
It pooped and peed out what you fed it.
Coolest shit ever. B(

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So who's the top ten most likely to get you to go out with them on Aniroleplay?

I have no idea ._.
I'm sure most of them don't even know my name xD
Much less go out with me o:

Who are the top 10 guys on ani you find attractive?

Shinrei, Neon, Yo-yo, Sen, Miles, Slim, Jazz--Those are the only guys who I know that are smexii as hell. c;

If your heart is confused then make a list for both guys pros and cons and see if ones better than the other?

Their worth isn't determined by their pros or cons.
I don't care if one is a million miles away, or if one is close.
I don't care much about pros and cons. I screwed up both relationships, anyway.
I AM CATLADY. 1 DOWN, 49 TO GO. Bl #Forevereverandeveralone

Date both? Nah JK.

One's in another country. The other isn't.
One's more recent, the other has history with me.
Ugh :c

If you could. . would you get back with that said person?

But then again, there's another person I'd want to get back with, as well.
So. Story of my life.

How long was your last relationship and why did it end?

...6 months. Because I was stupid and butthurt and ended it myself.

If you dated someone in Rp and then you started to date them In real life. . . how would you tell your parents about it?

I'd say we met through the internet.
I wouldn't tell them unless I had met that person at least once and was going/planning to see them more often.

If you could kiss one person right now, who would be and why? Be totally and completely honest.

I would kiss the person with the face.

If your blood wasn't Red. . . what color would it be?

I can't think of any other color it would be xD I think it'll stay red (for poetic reasons Bl )

Do you like your natural hair color? If not what color do you wish it could be?

No, I don't. Its a very dull brown. I died it orange, and it looks quite nice c:

If you were a character from the Mario Party/Mario World Who would you be and why?

'Cause Yoshi's the best c:

If you could go to 2nd Base++++ with anyone in the Pokemon world. . who would it be? (Not the pokemon!)

Misty ;D

If you could make your own pack of skittles what 5 flavors would you have?

Watermelon, Blueberry, Chocolate Chip cookies, Ice Cream, and Chocolate pudding c:

Do you have a crush on someone right now? How do they make you feel? Emotionally, Physically and Mentally?

Erm. I do. Well.
They make me feel important. They make me feel special, and they make me feel wanted. I'm constantly in fear that I'm being more of a burden than anything else, but when I haven't talked to this person for a long period of time and we later reconnect, it's like I never stopped talking with them. They constantly talk to me, and enjoy spending time with me. I feel more loved with them than with anyone else, and the horrible sense of solitude I constantly feel disappears when they're around. I get butterflies and all goofy-eyed when I talk with them, and I just want to do anything to make them happy ;////;

Hawaiian Pizza's are amazing ;0; Now I want pizza. What's your favorite show?

I have so many. Most of them are really old xD The 70s Show. Friends. The Nanny. The Big Bang Theory. Most recent ones would be American Horror Story, Orange is the New Black, The Walking Dead, and The Vampire Dairies. c:


Language: English