
IG : Virgalarasati

Untuk anon yang ngeask gapernah di bales dmnya, aku mau kasih tau ahh, aku ngedm di bls tuh sama kak virga? ngga langsung hari itu, sih. Tapi di bales wkwk Dm mu tenggelam kalik, non? positip tingking nape hahaha maaf kalo ask ku ini ngeselin whaha✌

Tuhkann... kadang ga dibalas kalau emg dm nya nyinyir, kalau dm baik2 ya aku reply kok
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Latest answers from IG : Virgalarasati

kak kalau sikap kita belum baik dan orang bilang kita lebih baik perbaiki sikap dulu drpd pakai kerudung gimana tu ya

Honestly you shouldn’t be listening to anyone who says nonsense like that. semua manusia setiap saat akan melakukan hal yang salah, sikap yang tdk baik, tapi hijab itu wajib. jadi sikap yang baik akan terbentuk kalau kita mengikuti aturan Islam dengan benar

Halo virga, How about getting married young? Im 17 years old now

Hmm,, Personally I think that's a little too young, you've got your whole life ahead of you! So many things to learn so many things to do!!! Tapi kalau sudah siap lahir batin ya tidak ada yg salah :)

vir, i gave my 'something special' to my bf, then hes cheating on me, now he left me, i was broken inside out, but i could never hate him. maybe im still loving him, he asked me to wait for him, i dont want to believe but i did, i cant stop thinking about him. tell me how to get through this vir?

First of all, I'm so sorry for what had happened. For now you'll be waiting for him, and still hoping for him to come back. But sooner or later, you'll realize that what you did was wrong. From my opinion, let's just move on, remove him from your life cause he's the toxic person in your life. If he really love you, he won't leave you. And please, please repent to Allah, and not to do it again either with him or somebody else. It's something that we girls should protect, and it's only ourselves that protect us, so please my little sister, repent to Him, talk to Him as He is the best listener and the most merciful and forgiving and take this time to heal yourself from this heartbreak. Make yourself busy by doing your work or studies, go out with your good friends, have fun with your families and enjoy your time, show him that without him, you can still living your life. You'll get through this, maybe not now but you will. I pray that you'll find your happiness. Take good care of yourself okay?

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kak akhirnya kembali juga, kak gimana nih biar aku tetep isitiqomah rasanya susah banget, temen'' udh banyak yg menjauh

Nobody said it would be easy. So don't ever give up when it gets hard.
InsyaAllah nanti Allah akan ganti dengan teman-teman yang baru,

kalo ada yang bilang kita sok tau karena terus terusan posting tentang agama gimana tanggapan kita harusnya kak?

Sebenarnya, kalau sibuk fikirkan kata orang, kita tidak akan dapat berbuat apa-apa. Kalau tidak fikir langsung tentang apa yang orang kata, kita tidak akan belajar untuk menjadi lebih baik

Dalam hidup kamu, siapa lelaki paling kamu benci? Tapi kamu masih sayang dia

I got no time to hate. Aku tipe yang tidak akan membenci orang, tapi aku akan sedikit menjauh dari orang itu. I got no time to put a hate and love on one person too. Won't do useless thing to person who don't deserve my love

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