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When do you stream

You know, I've been busy with work and stuff lately that I haven't streamed in a bit. I was going to stream a few days ago actually, but my computer was just using too much CPU for some reason to allow it. Usually I stream after like 4pm but I don't really have any sort of schedule yet. In the future I'll be off of work on Monday and Friday for sure so maybe I'll plan to stream both of those days, along with others, as long as my computer let's me :)

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Hi my boyfriend is a melee addict and he never lets me play and also I dont know how to handle having a gamer boyfriend I really like him pleasee help I dont game

Hmm, if you're interested in getting in to gaming you should ask him to introduce you, and I would hope he would be happy to share his hobby with you! And if you're not in to video games, that's fine too, just don't get upset if he wants to play with his friends sometimes, maybe see if he will invite you even if you don't play etc :)

I always wanted to ask this but what does your user name Whikseytits mean?

Honestly I just saw it in a picture somewhere and thought it was funny so I used it on MySpace haha. Not too exciting of a story!

Is asking a girl to coffee about a week after we met, weird at all?

I guess it depends on the girl, honestly. I feel some of us are a bit more timid, haha.
It's always worth a shot to ask and see what response you get, if you feel like it's the right time. Going out for coffee doesn't have to mean anything more than just that, so I don't see a problem.

If I proposed with a Pumpkin Spice Iced Coffee would you marry me?

Hmmmmmm... there's a possibility. It depends on where it's from, tbh.

First; you're beautiful. Second: Favorite low tier to watch in Melee?

Thank you!
Hmm, my favorite low tier to watch in Melee... that's tough. I can't say I really ~love~ watching any. I guess Roy or Pichu can be cool sometimes if they're not garbage (AKA, generally M2K) hahah

What got you into smash bros?

I played 64 and Melee when they first came out. One day I went to a friends house and he turned on twitch to a Mango vs M2K set (I didn't know about competitive Melee at the time) and after that I was hooked.

Well I'd have to say Pichu is cuter by far, but... in terms of usability in melee, that's an entirely different scale.

But I think Pichu and Fox are both cute!


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