

havent you cheated before? didnt you cheat on her before?

I never once cheated on her. I cheated on someone else once. It was under certain circumstances and I regret it. But I wouldn't ever do that again to someone. But the thing is, she has even told me she has done that on more than one occasion. So why should I just forgive her? I want her to prove to me that she wouldn't do something like that ever again. And I want her to prove to me that she wants to be in my life. If she actually liked me, she wouldn't have even done that in the first place. I deserve someone who wouldn't do that to me. I deserve someone I can trust. How can I trust her again? And why should I give her another chance unless she is willing to give me a reason to give her one?

Latest answers from WaldoMcgee

you legit have over 2,000 followers, yet you talk to me? May I ask why? Don't you think there are better people to talk to????

who is this ha

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