

Ask @WaldoMcgee

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Did you feel like you made a mistake like katelyn?

I don't feel that it was a mistake. I just feel like things didn't work out :/

havent you cheated before? didnt you cheat on her before?

I never once cheated on her. I cheated on someone else once. It was under certain circumstances and I regret it. But I wouldn't ever do that again to someone. But the thing is, she has even told me she has done that on more than one occasion. So why should I just forgive her? I want her to prove to me that she wouldn't do something like that ever again. And I want her to prove to me that she wants to be in my life. If she actually liked me, she wouldn't have even done that in the first place. I deserve someone who wouldn't do that to me. I deserve someone I can trust. How can I trust her again? And why should I give her another chance unless she is willing to give me a reason to give her one?

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but haven't you done things you shouldn't have been doing?

No. I would like you to give me one example. What have I done? Explain?

wait how is it not the point? its not right to call a person a whore for no reason.

No. The point is, she did what she shouldn't have been doing and she messed up and broke my trust. Simple as that.

Why can't you give katelyn another chance?

I never said I wouldn't give her a second chance, but I want her to give me a reason to give her a second chance. I want her to prove to me that she wants to be in my life.
Liked by: Krista Vittorini

I want to smack you on the face. Dumbass<3 you probably know who this is.

No. I have no idea who this is

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?


i hear you like penis' in your ass and in the tip of your dick?

I carry glitter around sometimes @hi


Language: English