

Ask @WardaHassan

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Mahmoud Hecham?

Hesham* allah ystorak =))
Do you ever think that there're word enough to describe all my feelings and love for him?
I swear could write million books telling how much I love him and how important he is to me, and how perfect he is <333
He's the cutest guy ever in my eyes, he's my prince <3, He's the reason why I smile at morning and why I happily sleep at night xx
I love him with every piece of my heart .. I love him more than anything and anyone in this world
He's my man, he's the most perfect thing that has eveeeeer happend in my life <3
My life became brighter since he came into my life xx
I have someone who truerly loves me now, I've got someone who's's always there xx
I love how he never gave up on me .. He's amazing <333
Mahmoud is my life t pass a minute without thinking of him, I can't pass a day without hearing his voice
I miss him the second I leave him
I love being with him it makes me feel like I'm in another world, it makes me feel like I'm not afraid to be completely silly, and myself <33
He's always there for me, he holds on no matter what, he loves me the way I am, he never asked me to change cause he loves me the way I am
We may not be the perfect coupls, but I believe that we're perfect togther <33
He's haaabbbeeeebbyyy ;*
He's the one I wanna continue my whole life with, he's the one I wanna die beside<33
I'll never get bored spending forever with him xx
I love him the way he is, I love our stupid conversations, he makes me laugh till my stomach hurts, he beleives in me, I trust him the most, he knows every single thing about me, he makes me smile alwaays <3, there's nothing better than being beside him, he's my world <3
I love him to infinty and beyond xxx
Oksmbllah there's nothing enough to descibe how much I love him
I'll always love him alwaaays no matter what <3
He's the one I'm going to marry insh'allah xx
And if he's beside me then nothing ever matters <33
I'm sure my parents will like him and they'll thank me for choosing such an amazing man to be my husband insh'allah cause they'll know how amazing person he is <333
He's my strength while I'm weak, he always manges to make me smile, He never let me sleep sad or broken hearted, he wishes the best for me xx
We're getting closer and closer everyday that sometimes I wonder can we become closer than this !<33
Consider that 0.2% of my feelings towards him ;;)

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Give me an advice

I've been thinking all day what kind of advice to give you ..
Bs de a7la min ay advice
Btw please keep on liking 3shan nas tshof'ha w takhod sawab :')
أنا مش بغصـب عليـك والله بس بجد مش هياخد منـك دقيقتـين بالظبـط و ثوابهـم عنـد ربنـا كبيـر أوى أوى أوى ..
قولـ\ى معـايا :
اللهم صـل وسلم وبارك عليك يا حبيبى يا رسول الله ♥
لا إله الا الله وحـده لاشريك له ،، له الملك و له الحمـد ،، يحيي و يُـميت وهو على كل شىءٍ قديـر :) ♥
سبحـان الله و بحـمده .. سبحـان الله العظيـم ♥
سبحـان الله و بحـمده .. سبحـان الله العظيـم ♥
سبحـان الله و بحـمده .. سبحـان الله العظيـم ♥
آستغـفر الله العظيـم الذى لا إله إلا هو الحى القيـوم وآتوب إليه ~ ♥
آستغـفر الله العظيـم الذى لا إله إلا هو الحى القيـوم وآتوب إليه ~ ♥
آستغـفر الله العظيـم الذى لا إله إلا هو الحى القيـوم وآتوب إليه ~ ♥
اللهم آغفـر للمؤمنـين و المؤمنـات و المسـلميـن و المسـلمات ..
الآحيـاء منهـم و الآمـوات ♥
اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب ..
اللهم نقني من خطاياي كما نقيت الثوب الأبيض من الدنس ..
اللهم اغسلني من ذنوبي بالماء والثلج والبرد =))
سبحـانك اللهم أنى اشهد أن لا إله إلا الله و أن محمدا رسول الله ...
سبحان الله يافارج الهم وياكاشف الغـم ، فرج همى ويسر أمرى وأرحم ضعفى وقله حيلتى وارزقنى من حيث لا أحتسـب يارب العالمـين.
الحمـد لله .. الحمـد لله .. الحمـد لله ..
الحمد لله رب العالمين
حمداً كثـيرا طيبا مباركا فيـه ملأ السمـاوات و الأرض ♥
سبحـانـك آللهم إنـى ظلمـت نفسـى ..
فآغفر لى فآنه لايغفر الذنوب إلا أنت :)
لا إله الا الله عدد ماكان وعدد مايكون وعدد الحركات والسكـون. ♥
لا إلـه إلا الله العظيم الحليم ، لا إله إلا الله رب العرش العظيم ، لا إله إلا الله رب السماوات ورب الارض ورب العرش الكريـم.
آخــر حـاجة بقى :))
اللهم أغفر لي خطيئتي وجهلي وإسرافي في أمري وما أنت أعلم به مني
اللهم أغفر لي جدي وهزلي وخطئي وعمدي وكل ذلك عندي
اللهم أغفر لي ما قدمت و ما أخرت وما أسررت وما أعلنت وما أنت أعلم به مني أنت المقدم وأنت المؤخر وأنت على كل شيء قدير :) ~ ♥
اللهم أنـت ربى ، لا إله إلا أنت ،
خلقـتـنـى وأنا عبـدك وأنا على عهـدك ووعدك ما آستطـعت ..
أعوذ بك من شر ماصنعـت ، أبوء لك بنعمتك علىّ وابوء لك بذنبى فاغفر لى فإنه لا يغـفر الذنـوب إلا أنت ..
مخدوش منـك دقيقة حتى بس ثوابهــم كبيـر =) ♥

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What is your biggest fear?

Living without my mother.
I sometimes wake up from the worrrest nightmare ever, I dream that my mother "b3d el shar yarab" die infront of me and I couldn't help it
She has something in her heart keda idk it's name, suddenly her heart start beating so fast .. You know that feeling aftar running for a long time and being unable to catch your breath?
She feels the same suddenly without doing an action. And it stays like that for an hour
It's unique feeling and it's one in a million
Sometimes she takes an aspirin and gets better and sometimes she can't and goes to the hospital .. When she goes there I keep on crying as long as she's not in the house. I mean what's the meaning of my life without her? The house sucks without her??
Doctors told her that that thing don't cause any bad affect on her life, but I'm always scared of losing her
So I dream every month that she gets that thing in her heart and dies infront of me smiling and saying I love you
I wake up worried, crying and I run at her room and wake her up and ask her mom are you okay? She says yeah what's wrong! I say nothing and I kiss her and go
She always ask me why do you suddenly do that? I tell her I dreamt a scary dream and I was afraid to stay alone in the room .. I never told her that I dreamt of that thing
I'm nothing without my mother even we fight a lot .. But I can't survive and live without her
She's my everything god bless her for me <3
I also can't live without my boyfriend <3 but elhamdul'allah I don't have that fear of losing him I always pray god to keep him safe and to be always mine <3 insha'allah I'll live together forever <3 and I know he'll never break up with me or leave me .. <3
And insha'allah I'll die before my mother and boyfriend cause I'll never be able to live with the pain of "b3d el shar" living without one of them .. :')

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whos your best friends?

Bos ya m3lm esmha "Who are your best friends?"
Msh Who "IS"
Leh b2a?
L2en verb to be by2olak
He, She, It --> bya5do "IS"
We, Are, You, I --> bya5do "ARE"
Fa now enta bt2ol Whoss
Esmha Who's asln y3ne
W kaman Who's ghlat l2en b2a el mafrod Who are l2en are 3ayda 3la bestfriends w bestfriend de gam3 s7?
Yeb2a ta5od are.

Wenty fkrek ma7moud hay marry you lama ykbar =)) yb2a 2afa......7apepty elwelad mbykameloosh 7ayathom ma3 7ad mshyo m3ah 2abl kda ;) cuz of "sum3a" "manfa3sh atgawez wa7da kanet btmshy ma3 welad" u know pa2a ;)

Well mafish 7d afa gheraaak ;)
Awlan enta msh ragel w ahbal w mot5leef
L2en lw enta ragel bgd lama t7b wa7da ht7afez 3leha w httgwz'ha
Da lw raggeel y baba
Faker nafsak kda ragel awi? W gamed y3ne?
W b3den msm'hash mashy m3ya esmha by7bnne!!
Ykhreb bet tkhlof el wlad elyy zayak !! Mogtm3 zballa!!
W enta insh'allah httgwz wa7da kanet mashya m3a nos shbab masr bsbb tafkerak da :D
W kaman y ro7 mama ana a3rf wlad ketera etgwzu bnat kano by7bhom. 3aref leh? 3shan ragel 3shan ad kelmto 3shan t3eb 3shan ytgwzha
W now 3yshen 3esha kowysa gedan bsbb eno maknsh mot5lef w sabha 3shan kano f rs w ra7 etgwz wa7da kanet f rs m3a 7d tanyy brdu!
W promise promise promise when we get married I'm going to prove all the stupid-minded people like you wrrronng!!
Ekhla3 min hena yala.

Donia tarek :P =))

Keda y Dodo? =)) bt3mli m3ya kda? ekmeny y3ne et3shmt feky w s2ltek t3mli kda? =))
OKAY FIRST OF ALL 3YZA A2OL L KOL EL NAS ELY 3ARFA ENNA BNT5ASEM W NTSAL7 KOL SHOWIA, I wanna tell them that everytime both of us said that we're never going to talk again..They were because we love each others so much I swear :D
Me and you fought so much but I realize everytime we fight and start taking again our friendship becomes stronger and better and way healthier ♥♥
You means so much to me more than you and anyone could ever think ..
I love you so much and when I'm with you I feel very comfortable, and I feel something really different and special when I'm with you ♥
You make me smile while I'm texting you on the phone ♥ I never get bored talking to you♥
You're always there for me and you always try to make me feel better ♥
The last time we weren't talking I though that we're never going to talk again and that we lost each others forever, so that's why when we started talking again I was so happy cause I felt like I lost you and it was hurting me ♥
You're the only person that I love staying alone with after my bf, I feel more comfrtable when it's just me and you where we can just get all of the feelings we have♥
We've made so much memories, even more than people that I've known for so long time♥
When you give someone all of your care and love, I swear that, that person would be the happiest person ever !!♥ Cause when you give you give too much♥
I don't know what to say walahy :( =))
You make me laugh till my stomach hurts♥ You make me really happen even though really few people who can make me happy♥
You're my mother's favorite friend -.- =))
You're such a kind and pure person, people judge you so fast because you like to sit alone, or you love to be with just only your bestfriend .. They don't know that you're trying to avoid their shit =))
When you countdown-ed for my birthday I swear my heart was jumping cause non of my friend remembered :D♥
I miss you so much .. and I really wanna sit for you for about a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekk =))♥
I know we'll be friends and sisters forever no matter what♥
You keep all of my secrets, you understand me and my feelings♥ You treat me like I wanna be treated♥ You care about me so much♥
Donia Tarek you make me fall in love with you everyday over and over again♥♥
You're kind of the only friend who wishes for me the best, and never get jealous♥
You're the one I can tell everything without being afraid of judged, Whenever I feel like crying I talk to you♥
Walah bahbbek keter w enty bt3rfi had :( =))
I can't wait to know ht3mli eh f my bday :(♥
Enty gammeella bggd♥
I just love you and I really wanna be with you right noooooow :((:((
You know what you mean to me even my feelings are too much I can't write them all :|♥
bahhbbeeeeeeeeekkkyyy y dabbddoobbyy bahbbeeekyy♥♥
Rapena ykhlleekyy leyya xx
w mardodalak asa7by ezbor 3lya =)) :>

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hhhhhhh tab ma3lsh ana 8lis shoaia kararty a!

I decided to move on and never look back
I decided to never give a shit about those who don't care about me
I decided to be strong, cause some people considerd my love as weakness but it's not
I used to say sorry for everything and care about others feelings and leave my feelings behind! Bs I swear I won't say sorry gher ama akon ghltana! Msh h2ol sorry 3shan asal7 7d b7bo aw a3ady 7waar
Msh hahtm b mash3er l nas ely msh bthtam beya, w msh hadehom all my love and care w expect the same from them! I'll love them as much as they love me and I'll treat them the same way they do.
Msh hantzer 7d yegy ysl7ni aw y2oli I miss you, l2en I know ppl won't treat me the same way I treat them. If they need me in their lives they'll come and talk to me they'll miss me!
And if they didn't then they don't need me in their lives and their day is passing perfectly without me and they don't miss me and I'll be glad about that cause it'll be a new beggining to change my feelings and stand strong
And I swear right now I'm really happy and proud I started thinking of myself again
I'm happy I don't care about those who break me and made me sad, and let me down
A lot of ppl feel the same way I do and I hope they start thinking of themselves as I did :')
W thankyou for asking I needed to let out some feelings ;;)

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from your friends who is 1-the cutest 2-narrow minded3-open minded 4-daimn mhayes5-best hair6-nerd 7-longest hair 8-shortest hair 9-tallest person10- shortest person 11-most friendly 12-ra2e2 13taieb 14-secret keeper 15- Foolish 16-best personality17-cold blooded18-aktar 7d mas5ara 19-always happy

-.- =))
1- Cutest: HAGAR ADEL IBRAHIM <333
2. Narrow minded: No one
3. Open minded: Mayar Shoaieb <9
4. Daimn mhayes: Radwa Mahmoud :|=))))
5. Best Hair: Yossra Gamal's <3
6. Nerd: malish so7ab nerd ana eh elet el ada de :O=))
7. Longest Hair: Rana Atya "allah w akbar 5"
8. Shortest Hair: 3agoouuurrii xx
9. Tallest person: Hamsa and Nesma, Nada Abdelrazek
10. Shortest person: Duuuuuuuuuuuue=)) w dabbdoobbyy"Donia" <3
11. Most friendly: MAYAAAAAAAAAAR ;;), Fayrrouuzz <3
12. Ra2e2: Donnnniiia xx bs m3a el nas el ghreba bs =))))
13. Taieb: Salma Ehab xx
14. Secret kepper: Mayar Shoaieb
15. Foolish: aked msh ha2ol :D hatz3al =))
16. Best personality: Reem Ghoniem <33
17. Cold blooded: msh ha2ol bardo hatz3aal =))
18. aktar 7d mas5ara: Fezzzzzzzzoo =))
19. always happy: m3dnesh hd always happy m3lesh =))

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L 20 btoo3y ba2a? :P

Nada Mahmoud
Ento htsht3'lony wla eh? -.- =))
1. Habla habla habla habla habla
2. Msh bt3rfy trodi wla t5di 7a2ek
3. Bt5afy tro7i el 7mam blel lw7deeek =))
4. Haddya
5. Msh bte2y samar o5tek =)))
6. You can handel a lot
7. You're not lucky in that love issue
8. Shyyy w 5dodek bt7mar =))
9. Your little brother huwa ly msbrek 3l 3ela de =))
10. You love surprises ;;)
11. Nfsek aboky ysafer w ygblko flos ketttter =)) madeya 7akera etfo5s =))
12. Gaddd3aaa <33
13. You can depend on me whenever you need help cause you know I'll never leave you alone
14. So forgiving b tare2a bashe3a
15. Tayebba awwwii :xx
16. Soooossa =))
17. The only one remaind in tottaly spices team :') =)))))))))))))
18. You love advuntures
19. You're boring at sleepovers bt3odi 3l pc w b3d kda t5oshi tnamy :') seriously wtf? =))
20. You're my soulmate, sister, singing and dancing partner, and the most one I can't imagine my life without <333
I love the hell out of you xx

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Fav. Songs msh singers :D

This will take too long :|
Payphone - Maroon 5
I wouldn't mind it - He is we
Skyfall - Adele
Someone like you - Adele
Best thing I never had - Beyonce
Scared of lonely - Beyonce
End of time - Beyonce
The time - Black eyed peas
I wanna go - Britney Spears
Till the world ends - Britney Spears
Look at me now - Chris Brown ft. msh 3arfa meen =))
Falling Stars- David Archeltae
Little bad girl - David Guetta
Night of your life - David Guetta
Take over control David Guetta
Titanium - David Guetta
Turn me on _ David Guetta ft. Nicki Manaj
Where them girls at - David Guetta ft. Nicki Manaj
Without you - David Guetta
Trainwrek - Demi Lovato
Give your heart a break - Demi Lovato
Part of me - Katy Perry
Firework - Katy Perry
Blaaaaah - KeSha
Boy like you- KeSha ft. Ashely Tisdale
Dirty picture - KeSha
The halord song - KeSha
Your love is my drug - KeSha
True love - KeSha ft. Katy Perry
Moves like jagger - Marron 5
Never gonna leave this bed - Maroon 5
One more night - Maroon 5
This love - Maroon 5
Starships - Nicki Manaj
Diamonds - Rihanna
If I never see your face - Rihanna ft. Maroon 5
Love the way you lie - Rihanna ft. EMINEM " Part 1 & 2"
Man down - Rihanna
Only girl in the world - Rihanna
Rude boy - Rihanna
We found love - Rihanna
Where have you been -Rihanna
Unfaithful - Rihanna
Back to December - Taylor Swift
Better than revenge - Taylor Swift
Enchanted - Taylor swift
I knew you were trouble _ Taylor Swift
I'd lie - Taylor Swift
Red - Taylor Swift
Should've said no - Taylor Swift
Sparks fly - Taylor Swift
Speak now - Taylor Swift
You're not sorry - Taylor Swift
You belong with me - Taylor Swift
Chasing the sun - The wanted
Glad you came - The wanted
I found you - The wanted
A thousand years - Christina Perri " Part 1 & 2"
Breathing - Jason Darulo
Broken hearted - Karmin
Club can't handel me - Flo Rida
Decode - Paramore
Domino - Jessi J
Drive by - Trian
Fall for you - Secondhand
Fire in the water - Feist
Fucking perfect - Pink
Give me everything - Jason Darulo
Grenade - Bruno Mars
Hey baby - Pitpull
Hit the lights - Jay Sean
I like how it feels - Enrique
I'm into you - Jenifer Lopez ft. Pitpull
I'm sexy and I know it - LAMFO
It will rain - Bruno Mars
Jar of hearts - Christina Perri
Just the way you are - Bruno Mars
Marvins room - Conor Maynard
Please don't go - Mike Ponser
Price tag - Jessi J
Gangnam style - PSY
Secrets - idk men :( =))
Talking to the moon - Burno mars
When I'm gone - Eminem
Those are my 10% favourites na na2et mn l mobile aktar songs b7bha :)) lsa fi 90% <33
You can listen to each 5 every day hy3gbok/y ;;)

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ماهو الحب بالنسبة لك

mohamed almasry
Love is sweetest feeling
7aga keda helwa awwwwii w batdye2 awwi
E7sas enk far7an w momken tter
W lama teb2a z3lan t7s enak htmmot
Love is when you smile when you see your lover without controling it
Love is when you're completely yourself when you're with the one you love
Love is when you're ready to give them your eyes
Love is when you're able to fight the world to be with them
Love is when you can do anything to make them happy
Love is when you keep your bocket money and prevent yourself from buying anything just to buy them a gift, and you're tottaly happy about it
Love is when you never get bored from talking with them
Love is happiness, sadness, joy
Love is forgiving
Love is when you're with them you feel that there's only me, and you and fuck the rest of the world
Love is when all that matters is their smile
Love is when their laugh is the best sound you've ever heard
Love is when he touches your hand you feel that you have no bones in your body and you might fall
Love is so many feelings ..
7aga keda 7elwa awi w matr23aaaa <333

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