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The other night my mum started to get my top and jumper by my neck and pull until i flew of the couch, i ended up crying and hit my head on the end of the table, she then pulled my arms twisting them and pushing me of the chair, is this abuse?

Yes it is .. I have gone through this at a younger age ... Honestly , If you don't tell someone , or leave , or SOMETHING , it will never get better . My mum finally realized it was wrong , and we have some type of relationship , but I left for five years .
Liked by: Spaweon

I've felt depressed and suicidal for months and now I've decided I should go to the doctors. I'm going on my own as I don't want my mum finding out. What shall I say to the doctor when I'm at my appointment? I don't want them to think I'm stupid...

You won't sound stupid . Just go and explain how you feel and why it is that you don't wish to have your mom with you . It'll take a couple sessions to be open and talk; that is normal . You don't have to rush anything . Take your time and be honest .

What is the most important thing to know?

That you are loved . If you have a problem , question , or just need to talk to someone .. FIND SOMEONE . Today , 02-22-14, I lost a dear friend due to suicide . NO ONE should feel that death is the only way out and to be happy .. And this is coming from a self harmer , and who has tried to commit twice . I'm changing for the better , because I'm tired of seeing people hurt . I LOVE YOU .YES YOU !! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask questions on here , kik me at Mslady0418 , email me Mslady0418@outlook.com SOMETHING . I want to help ; I feel as if helping is the way I can prove to myself that I have a purpose in this world .

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I've been feeling so depressed recently and I don't know why. I suffer from anxiety and thats got me down a bit, but every night I end up crying myself to sleep, how can i make this stop?

I know how anxiety is ; 100 % . Mine personally feels like there is an elephant on my chest , it makes me cry or harm myself . What I found to help is to try to stay around people . One laugh or smile seriously helps . I try to stay out in the living area as long as i can when I'm feeling this way at night . You don't have to tell them why ; it's just something about another individuals presence that helps .

How quickly have you fallen in and out of love?

If you can "fall out" of love , then you never loved that individual .

I am a girl, and I only have one close friend that is a girl. I have a ton of guy friends, and I hang out with them all the time. I'd never do anything with them, but my boyfriend gets really jealous sometimes. What should I do?

You have to explain to him that you have a lot of guy friends ; that's all they are is Friends ! I am the exact same way . After I explained it to my boyfriend , he let it go a bit . Jealousy just shows he cares and loves you , but you have to explain to him that you will not cut off friends .

How can I lose 5lbs in two weeks? And is it possible?

Keep white breads out of your diet , only drink water , no snack , and keep your three meals a day portioned (meaning each item can not be bigger than your fist .)

I love my sister to bits and pieces, but I guess because of me she's being bullied. I like this guy and he likes me, but I always act so different when he's around and I hurt my sister, she's so beautiful and she deserves much more. He's mean to her though and I don't know what I should do. Help?

SingerDenisee’s Profile PhotoDenise ter Avest
Coming from someone who is extremely close to my sister , Family comes first .

last part 3 laughed but the boy I like just looked at me and I think he might like me but i don't know, do you think he might? and also there's a school dance on Feb 1 that's girls ask guys, and I'm trying to decide if i should ask him or not. I'm not really part of his main group of friends though.

Well personally , I'd ask him . Nothing is worse than assumptions . It seems to me that he may , but to be certain just ask him !

part 2 a couple and then the other two girls are sisters, one was 12. We're all 14/15. anyway so one of the sisters said something about being forever alone and I said "at least you've had a boyfriend" and they all just looked at me and then the boy with a gf motioned to the boy I like and I kind of


part 1 there's this boy in one of my classes and he's super cute and we talk a lot, and we're really good friends and i like him. yesterday me, him, another guy, and 3 other girls went to the movies, and then we hung out at the mall for a while afterwards. so the other boy and one of the girls are


[Same person as before (boy troubles)] I just feel like if I go out with him, I can't break up with him because I just got out of a relationship and I feel like I'll be portrayed as a slut you no? I mean ugh he's just perfect, but I feel like I don't deserve him.. ;I D

Well let me tell you this , you are not a "slut" for moving on . If that's the case , I'm a big ol' whore ! Lol . You deserve to be happy ! Don't think you don't deserve someone so good , because if he's that good , he will treat you right , and you DO deserve that !

So hi :), I dunno I guess I have guy troubles.. so this guy really likes me, but I'm not really sure if I also like him.. He's the sweetest guy on this planet and he's so understanding, but I'm not sure if I like like him. It probably sounds stupid, but I' so damn confused. Please help me I need it.

I totally understand ! It's like , he's complete boyfriend material , but you can't seem to get yourself to like him . You have two options here : friend zone him . Or you can try to date him and see if you catch feelings while being with him . Just make sure you don't lead him on too much or else you'd hurt him .

everyone hates me and I've been suicidal for over a year and nothing I've done worked x

We'll , I've been the same for a while now but trust me , life will go on . You have to chane things . The change is YOU . Even if you stand alone , without you making a difference , things will not change . Be strong . Do what needs to be done . Find some type of happiness .


Language: English