
Wei Song

Ask @WeiSong

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nah thats fin- -shouldnt you be working on your cosplay atm

I'm done for the night HAHA
In having trouble with a pattern so I'm going to work on it tomorrow



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what do u mean by arm movement???

you can really see my biceps here HAHA
I'm actually pretty buff. 8'D
sorry about the wig, was doing an Elsa test.
WeiSong’s Video 116997964471

How long did you have it for jeeezz hahaha at least the glue works XD

It came off the first time I wore it. HAHA
Glue is always the best. 8D

the letters fall off????? wooww haha

YEE for me as least. HAHA I took some handy e6000 and spread a thin later on the letters. *^*

alright then... may you help me on what to do when working out and dieting? <3

First off, if you're currently eating a lot of fat and sugar, slowly ween yourself off it. Have days of the week where you can eat one sugary item, and others where you refrain. Eventually, lessen the days to once a week, and you'll find yourself probably actually wanting to eat healthy. LOL
As for exercise, don't over strain your body. Start out with small amounts and push yourself just a tiny bit every time.
I would start out with a ten min jog/run with 15 crunches, push ups, and reverse crunches. 30 seconds of arm movements and 1 min of leg exercises. (Depending in what part you mainly want to work on)
Slowly increase how many you do of each exercise and you'll find yourself being fit in no time.
Don't starve yourself, just eat healthy and in moderate portions. The hardest part is refraining from pigging out at parties or restaurants.

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Ahh I see. Life of successful people. LOL. Maybe when you're less busy I'll poke you and well chat. Anywho, goodluck with the everything~

Yoo, successful people don't just have a busy life. They choose it. You gotta sacrifice something for it. :'>
but sure thing! When I'm less busy, totes.

Senpai inspire me to workout and diet ;(

I can help you on what to do, but the key to starting is truthfully wanting to help yourself. 8D

is your iwatobi jacket good quality? Im thinking of getting one but im a little nervous

I like it a lot! It's a bit small on me, but the quality is very good if you don't mind glueing some of the letter on the back.

Venasaur again :U Weeei o no I just got done catching to Yabishimai. Do you like horror and if so- horror show are you following?

I don't like horror as much as I like the stories incorporated in them. I'm currently rewatching a lets play of The Last of Us!

How many online friends do you have? /how well do you make them?

I have a lot. I tend to find speaking online easier.

i want to be a cat for halloween but i'm not sure what to do about the tail? i don't want to spend too much but i'm willing to make my own. what do you suggest?

My friend did this thing where she made a clip on tail with the wooden snake toys. She attached fur on, so it was am fully moveable!
However, you could just simply get thick wire, stuffing, and some fabric of choice and sew that together with the wire inside.
And then you can just leave some extra wire at the end and add some soft fabric with Velcro and attach it in the inside of your pants.

Hmmm that makes sense. Thanks so much for answering, it means a lot to me. I might just go out and do something (tomorrow I'm actually really tired tonight) ^_^ You're honestly a sort of inspiration to me, so please keep up whatever it is a Wei Song does with her life. Have a nice day/night! ^-^

No problem at all. I really hope I could help I bit!!
Have fun tomorrow! 8D Sleep well.
Thank you so much for thinking that way of me. //// You have a nice night as well!!
Liked by: Miguel Rodriguez

how long are ur workouts everyday and what time do u normally do them?

Around 40 added together! I run for around 20 min at 7:30 PM and I do stationary workouts at around 10 PM.

How do you manage to do so much and still be so happy? It seems like a lot of work and stress, but you manage to do it and give the appearance of happiness. Have any tips for someone whos wasted his life so far?

I guess I've just learned to cope with it the best I can! I've always been a busy body even as a child because my parents urged me to try so many things. I had lessons for gymnastics, guitar, violin, art, ballet, swimming; you name it. I've come to appreciate the smaller things in life like being treated to a cup of coffee or getting an extra hour of sleep; even being able to pet my cat. I also think about all the people around me that bring me happiness. Even just small gestures of sharing a laugh or daily affections lifts up my day.
However, I do get sad at times. I'll feel like I'm alone or I can't manage my friendships that well because I'm so busy. Having someone close to reassure you you're not alone is very relieving. Carl (my boyfriend) has cheered me up countless times.
If you've felt like you've waste your life so far, ask yourself what you should do to make it so you're not wasting your life? If it's something outrageous like curing cancer, start small, accomplishments make happiness as well.
You got this! *^*

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I heard a rumor that you had plastic surgery? T/F?

That's false. I have no additive body modifications of any sort. Though I have though of getting laser eye surgery for my vision!


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